Heroes Cheerleader Hayden Panettiere got one of her birthday presents a bit early. The actress who recently starred in the box office bomb I Love You, Beth Cooper is turning 20 tomorrow (yes, seriously. This girl still can't buy a six pack legally), but she stepped out in Malibu yesterday with a new beau that may look familiar to those of us who follow the rags regularly.
Homegirl was seen strolling in the sand with none other than Pink Taco founder Harry Morton. Not sure who that is? Maybe...
I don't know how many of you follow Lindsay Lohan's insane Twitter account, but I'm tellin' ya: While saying nothing, it says a lot.
Every day Lindsay sends tweets to celebrities like a common fangirl, and every day they ignore her. Her most recent tweet to Britney Spears is just an example. Hell, even her own girlfriend doesn't respond to her. Just yesterday Samantha Ronson posted a link to a song and then Lindsay replied to it as though it was meant for her. Scroll through the accounts of ...
Lindsay Lohan, the world's slowest learner of lessons, hit up an LA eatery with her girlfriend Samantha Ronson in what could be interpreted to be an early b-day dinner for the DJ. Unfortunately, after the two sucked down their first round of post meal cigarettes and made their way to their car, Lindsay took it upon herself to give Sam her present early-- a public wrist slap!
Per usual the paps were yelling questions at Lohan, most of which she ignored, except when one yelled "No more fight...