"Oh my God, poor girl. She's Britney Spears all over again. It's happening right before our eyes." When her friend asked if she meant Lindsay Lohan, she answered, "No, she's definitely headed the Britney route. It's worse. Look at those outfits. It's bad."Katy Perry blasts Miley Cyrus in an interview with Life & Style magazine. And though I'm not a huge, huge Miley fan, I'm even less a fan of Katy Perry's (music), so I'm going to go ahead and say "Fuck you, Katy Perry, Miley's going to go the Lindsay route, and don't make me wrestle you over the shit, you fucking strong elephant of a woman, you." />"Oh my God, poor girl. She's Britney Spears all over again. It's happening right before our eyes." When her friend asked if she meant Lindsay Lohan, she answered, "No, she's definitely headed the Britney route. It's worse. Look at those outfits. It's bad." Katy Perry blasts Miley Cyrus in an interview with Life & Style magazine. And though I'm not a huge, huge Miley fan, I'm even less a fan of Katy Perry's (music), so I'm going to go ahead and say "Fuck you, Katy Perry, Miley's going to go the...
blow go, not collect $200, and go directly (OK, in a couple weeks, anyway) to jail?
We have an exclusive video of Lindsay's plea to judge Marsha Revel, but as you're all aware, it was rendered fruitless.
I'm definitely with Beet on this one; I love Lindsay. I want nothing more for her than to do this jail thing, serve even the majority of the time, and come out to kick ass in fixing her life. I want a Mean Girls redux, another "album," and more (sober) wacked-out family drama involving America's Favorite Asshat, Michael Lohan. I want the real Linds to re-emerge after the dust settles. I want her to leave her fragile, broken shell of an existence in the antiseptic prison cells that she'll call "home" for a period of time, and I want her never to turn back.
This is it, Lindsay. This is finally your chance to straighten the fuck up. I'm not gonna lie -- I'm rather amused by the photos and coverage that your ass is getting, because drama is so delish, but hey. The only one who's going to fix this for you is you. Jail kind of did wonders for Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie, so once again, follow others' footsteps. This time it might actually do you some good.
I'll pulling for you too, girl, so don't be crazy in between now and July 20th. Check on into LA's famed hoosegow, and let its lime green walls soothe your broken spirit.
I know that you were thinking that Michael Lohan is the biggest piece of shit ever to father an untalented actress/director/fashion designer/singer, but you haven't been given all the evidence yet.
Last night, Beet told us about the tapes Daddy Lohan released of a crying Lindsay. It's just such personal stuff, and you wonder how a parent can expose such material just to prove his "rightness." Wonder no more; he isn't finished. In today's installment of "Michael Douchan is Telling the Truth", he has released tap...