This is what Lindsay wore to court today. Call me crazy, but I don't think that latex is an appropriate material to wear in a courtroom. But this girl was 35 minutes late today, natch, so you know she was just rifling through her closet, trying to find something classy and appropriate. Maybe next time, Lindsay.
If you're interested in how things went for Lindsay in court, here's a quick rundown: they went all right. She has until March 23rd to decide if she wants to take the plea...
Lindsay Lohan's spread in the Japanese teen/fashion magazine ModeGirl is, what? Her third post-rehab photo shoot? It seems like the best gigs the one-time actress can get these days is some occasional modeling and honestly? I don't hate the idea for her.
If there's anything I learned from Top Model, it's that modeling requires you to be a semi-decent actress, but it doesn't require you to do things like memorize lines and/or not look like you're strung out. That sounds like the perfect career for Li...
You see that guy in the foreground up there? The guy with the cool shades and the delightfully tousled hair? That's Michael Lohan Jr. You might not recognize him - that's ok, he doesn't come out much. When he does go public though, it's pretty clear that little Michael Jr. has a head on his shoulders, and that he's going to be the one Lohan to make it. You know, without numerous counts of criminal charges.
Little Michael Jr. (who's actually a decently attractive 23-year old and not so littl...
Isn't that sweet? Isn't that just the sort of thing Lindsay needs right now? Amidst all her woes, legal and otherwise, this is exactly what Lindsay should be concerning herself with. Let me outline Lindsay's evening for you, and then you can tell me how much you agree.
-At approximately 1:45 last night, Lindsay rolled into a club, the same club that Sam Ronson was visiting. Total coincidence.
-The ladies hung out for 45 minutes, Lindsay surely did not consume any alcohol whatsoever, and then they left together (see the above photo).
-Around 6...
Lindsay Lohan is responding to allegations that she stole a necklace from a Venice Beach jewelry shop by saying that it was just a simple misunderstanding.
The shop owner contacted police after seeing Lindsay out and about wearing the necklace that had been stolen from her shop earlier that week. The one of a kind piece was apparently one of many that Lindsay tried on while in the shop and is valued at &2,500.
But Lindsay's lawyer is saying that her client was under the impression the ...
And by "true beauty," of course I mean "startling and horrifying lip injections."
Can you guys please give me some insight? I'm at a loss with our favorite 24-year-old crackhead over here. I mean, I get the alcoholism and the unhealthy relationship with her family and the reTweeting Tom Cruise. I certainly don't condone it, but I can see where she's coming from. What is completely beyond me, however, is how someone can check out those lips in a mirror and think "oh yeah, this is the ...
Who was caught using a photo of paparazzi-bait Lindsay Lohan to shield off the cameras as he moved boxes into a West Hollywood apartment building yesterday?
Click through for the answer and more photos!
Though it was reported just earlier today that Lindsay Lohan would be spending some self-induced extra time in rehab, she went and checked out. Also today. Like, less than an hour ago.
And just when you thought that the drama and the mayhem was over for Linds and her cracked-out posse of enablers, she's gone and moved from her West Hollywood apartment to a home directly across the street from ex-gal and theoretical punching bag, Samantha Ronson.
I know that we all felt warm and fuzzy about Lindsay squawking about renewed dedicatio...
"I need to calm down with drinking," she tells The Post. "I can't be drinking in the middle of the day."
The bust "definitely embarrassed my family. I don't want to end up like that. That's not a good image. My dad was very, very pissed. He was like, 'I didn't raise you like this.' "
I hate to say this (for Lohan's sake), but Miss Lindsay probably would have done well in life if she had more self-control and a dad like Snooki's. At some point, regardless of how much of a party animal you are on the inside, you have to find a balance in your life. For many people, that involves some kind of reality check (like getting arrested!), and your true character is determined by how you choose to react in the face of that. />Snooki and I came to similar realizations this week: Maybe there's no reason to start drinking before the sun goes down. In fact, maybe you should wait to start drinking until several hours after the sun has gone down, if you even have to drink at all.
After what was a pretty embarrassing arrest, Snooki spoke to The Post:
"I need to calm down with drinking," she tells The Post. "I can't be drinking in the middle of the day."
The bust "definitely embarrassed my family. I don't want to end up like ...