"Sometimes people have to go through things. We all understand that, and we all deserve a second chance. I'm not worried about her at all. I think she's going to get through this because she is ridiculously talented. When you love once, you always will, and you have to care."
I agree, Wilmer, I totally think Lindsay deserves a second chance. However, I think that second chance was probably sometime in 2006, right? This girl is miles past a second chance; if I had to guess, I'd say that ...
Yeah, Lindsay had to go to court this morning for violating probation, and no, she's not going to jail. It turns out that even though she failed a urine test for booze and even though she refused to take a couple of drug and alcohol tests last month, she'd only been ordered to take the drug and alcohol tests until February, so it doesn't even matter. So basically, today the judge was like "ok, no more parties, and you can only have one friend over at a time, but if you're cool with that, t...
Breaking news that hits me anywhere between my "schadenfreude" and "just sad" glands: Lindsay flunked another alcohol test while living on her rooftop. Whoops! I'm sure this is all simply a misunderstanding.
She's scheduled to appear before Judge Stephanie Sautner this morning.
Just as a reminder---because this is understandably a little confusing for the rest of us---Lindsay is under house arrest for stealing a necklace, but the terms of her probation were part of the whole DUI thing.
Are you having a bad summer so far? Do you need to have a little fun in the sun? Then I suggest breaking a bunch of laws. That's what Lindsay did, and she's having the best summer ever! She's been doing some modelling on her roof and hanging out in swimwear, and just this Sunday she had a sweet barbecue for her friends! What more could a convict ask for?
What do you think will happen the next time Lindsay breaks the law and gets punished? She'll probably get put on house arrest in a carnival with a petting z...
Man, is it your lucky week or what? This is the third day in a row of Lindsay Lohan in beachwear! Just look how carelessly she frolics along the sand, how gracefully she handles herself despite all the adversity she faces. She's the picture of strength and beauty, and don't you forget it.
Just one tip though: Lindsay, girl, you are too busty for a strapless top. Keep it classy, sister, that's all I want for you.
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You have to give it up for Lindz on this one - when this girl wants something, she goes for it. Granted, most of the time she just wants in on a bottle of Grey Goose, but sometimes she wants in a movie, and you guys, this is one of those times. And it's too perfect.
There's been talks recently of a possible remake of the Stephen King classic, Carrie. Stephen King himself made a really offhand comment about it, he was just like ""I’ve heard rumblings about a Carrie remake ... Lindsay Lohan as Carrie White, hmmm. It would certainly be fun to cast." And that was all it ...
Ok, obviously that headline wasn't fair, and my choice in the image to display above was really unflattering. Clearly I need to get with the legal system and just support Lindsay already. I'm so sorry for being unnecessarily negative in these trying times.
Anyway, Lindsay went on house arrest yesterday, but not until after she posed for some silly looking pictures. It's comforting to know that some things never change, isn't it?
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Hint: it's a Backstreet Boy, and he paid far too much for it.
Give up? It's A.J.! Of course the one who just went to rehab would think that Vampire Lindsay Lohan is a valuable piece of art. Crackheads got to stick together, you know. But that's not even the best part - guess how much he paid for it. I'll give you another hint: the photo brought in almost as much money as Justin Bieber's hair. GIVE UP?!
"Between $30,000 and $40,000." The world is a crazy ass place, huh? But hey, I'm glad we could play this guessing game, I had fun. See you gu...
Happy Mother's Day, moms! Way to pop them kids out and raise 'em right! In honor of all you guys, I'm going to share a few words on the art of motherhood from the creator of one of America's greatest train wrecks. Hey, it's never too late to learn something new, am I right? All right, let's let Dina drop some knowledge:
On Being a Single Mom: "The secret to single parenting is to just teach them what you can teach them ... And you pray that instills in them for the rest of their lif...
If you'll remember, Britney Spears got her own comic book a few months back as well, and, just as with the career that's spiralling downward and meth, Lindsay is following right along in Brit's footsteps. Here's the thrilling summary of Lindsay's animated tale:
"Lohan is both a victim of the all-consuming celebrity culture and a perpetrator of bad decisions, lack of self-control and an unhealthy sense of entitlement. This issue can be seen as a tragedy in motion; it's last chapter has yet to be written."
I don't know about you guys, but since Free Comic Book Day is coming up, I might have to mosey on down to my loca...
Yesterday I told you that Lindsay would not be appearing in Gotti: Three Generations because she and the producers "just couldn't reach terms." Well, I wasn't wrong, but things change. It turns out that Lindsay will be in the film, because you can achieve anything if you believe hard enough.
Again, the story comes from People:
"She was definitely out as of earlier today, but she really wanted the part," Marc Fiore tells PEOPLE.
"She not only is back in the movie, but she single-handedly ...