Two days ago, Lindsay Lohan was denied entry into the L.A. County Morgue. You knew that already. But Lohan returned, undaunted, yesterday morning---at 5:35 a.m., bless her crazy little heart. (She was 85 minutes early.)
The kid reportedly felt so bad about her tardiness on Thursday, she tried to treat her new coworkers to cupcakes and In-N-Out burgers. But Assistant Chief Coroner Ed Winter wasn't having it. Instead, he turned the cupcake deliveryperson away. (Nooooo!)
"It's unacceptable," Winter told TMZ at the time. "W...
The progenitors of the awfulness that is Lindsay Lohan have finally turned on their own creation, metaphorical pitchforks in hand.
Yesterday, dad Michael Lohan hopped aboard the "let's talk about Lindsay's need for orthodontic intervention" train by speculating, on television, that his daughter smokes crack. Michael "Mitch Winehouse" Lohan, YOU'RE DOING IT WRONG.
But never one to be forgotten, Celebrity Mom Dina Lohan is jumping in on the anti-Lindsay action. How, you ask? By writing a ...
Let me clarify: five years ago, Lindsay Lohan discussed her 10 year plan with In Style, so today, she's halfway in. And, well, it's not looking too good:
"I want to get married before I'm 30. And have my house. And make the kind of record I want. And I'd like to win an Oscar before then."
So she's got the house. And ... um ... huh. She's got five more years, that's another thing she has! Anything could happen in five years! She could meet her soul mate and get married, she could make a beautiful record full of touching, soulful m...
I am so excited about Halloween, you guys. Aren't you? Haunted houses and scary movies AND COSTUMES?! Are you kidding me? Come October 31st, I'm going to be roaming around town, dressed like a bear and trick-or-treating at my grandma's house like the grown woman that I am. And that's why I love this magical holiday.
Another reason? Carving pumpkins! I'll confess, in all my Halloweens past, my carved pumpkins have been a little lacking in the creativity department (mostly because I ju...
“That’s from smoking a pipe with meth or crack. She’s smoking either crack or meth, one or the other. I’m not going to shade it. If you’re talking about prescription medication it would affect all your teeth, not just your two front teeth. You can’t dance with the devil and expect to go home with Jesus.”
- The ever wise Michael Lohan graces us with some of his infamous words of wisdom.
You know, as usual, Michael Lohan is so right. You really can't dance with the devil ...
Sometimes I think that Lindsay Lohan really has to put in a ton of effort to be this much of a mess. This is one of those times.
After she screwed up her first community service gig, she got reassigned to the morgue. Then her probation got revoked and it's actually looking like she might be headed for jail again. So what does Lindsay do on her very first day at the morgue?
Why, she shows up 40 minutes late and gets sent home, of course! Classic Lindsay!
She claimed that she didn't know where the entrance to the m...
As Jenn told you this morning, Lindsay Lohan got reassigned to community service at the morgue because she's an entitled little monster who just can't get her shit together. When we last left off, Lindsay was due back in court so everyone could talk about how hard she violated her probation. Aaaaand, we're off!
Lindsay's probation was revoked! She was led out of the courtroom in handcuffs, and her bail was set at $100,000, though she's already out, natch. She has another hearing on No...
So Lindsay Lohan isn't working at a women's shelter anymore. And heads up! She isn't working at the Red Cross anymore, either!
Nope. Stephanie Sautner, the judge overseeing Lohan's probation case, has ordered the innocent, blameless starlet to work 120 hours at the L.A. County Morgue instead. That's right---Lindsay's court-ordered community service has basically turned into a "Scared Straight" program.
According to TMZ, Lohan's duties at the morgue will likely be, erm, janitorial. And here's ...
Yes, Lindsay Lohan could possibly end up in jail on Wednesday. Shocking, right? She has a hearing where the judge is going to be all "why did you screw up your community service in every imaginable way? Why have you been skipping those therapy sessions? These ain't options, girl, this is your probation and you're not doing it right." And Lindsay will be like "BUT I'M A GOOD PERSON!" Oh, and she'll be wearing something inappropriate, we can't forget that part.
If the judge decides that Lindsay violated her prob...
Lindsay has done nothing wrong, ok?! NOTHING. Yeah, she got fired from her court-appointed community service, SO WHAT? It doesn't mean she ever did anything wrong, ever. You know how I know? Because Lindsay told me on her Twitter:
I am not to be made an example of anymore. I am working hard and fulfilling my obligations every single day, to the court as well as myself. If I travel, its for work and its been approved. As is anything I do when I leave the state. I'd appreciate it if peop...
Lindsay Lohan has been kicked out of her community service program, absolutely everybody reports.
Judge Stephanie Sautner ordered Lohan to serve 360 hours at the Downtown Women's Center in L.A., as part of her probation in the shoplifting case. Part of the deal---the judge required her to be reliable, non-disruptive, and serve at least 4 hours at a time.
But sources tell us ... Lindsay blew off 9 scheduled visits ... and when she did show up, she would often bail after working ...
Lindsay. Lindsay. I know we've never met, but I do read magazines, and I've always felt like we have kind of a big sister/little sister kinship thing happening. No? Well, whatever.
Anyway. In 2009, you employed a limo service. Within a scant three months, you, Miss Lohan, racked up a bill of $33,978. I applaud you for not driving yourself, since, uh, well, I guess legally you couldn't drive yourself. But still! Good for you!
But seriously, woman. Pay your bills. Because that teeny-weeny $3...