Today, Lindsay Lohan went to court so that everyone could check in on how she's been doing with her probation. There were no "f*ck you" manicures, and there were no tears. Lindsay just showed up, on time, even, and everyone told her what a great job she was doing going to the morgue every now and then and not getting busted with cocaine. Then she said "thanks, y'all!" and left. That's all.
From TMZ:
Lindsay Lohan just got a rave review from Judge Stephanie Sautner during her probation progress report hearing this morning -- after ...
A couple of days ago, I let you guys know that good ol' Lindsay Lohan was behind on her taxes. Specifically, she never paid anything for 2009. At the time, it seemed to be just another one of Lindsay's crackhead mistakes, but listen: it's not. It's not Lindsay's fault at all. She had no idea about any of this because someone was supposed to take care of this for her.
From TMZ:
Lindsay Lohan had no idea she was so deeply in the hole to Uncle Sam ... because she THOUGHT she had accountants to take care of that crap for her ... sources ...
So many times, Lindsay Lohan makes me want to rip my eyeballs out of my head, stumble to the front door, and leave them there so the stray cat can sneak up and eat them, because heaven knows that kitty would get more use out of them than I do. Seriously, look at that picture I posted right up there. Do you see it? Do you see her mouth? How is this ok? How did someone check this out and say "yep, no problems here, let's print this meth mouth bitch and rake in the big bucks"? HOW?
As you might be able to tell by the photo above (from TMZ, by the way), this celebrity that you're trying to guess lives without regrets. This celebrity may or may not have done a lot of things that most people would find somewhat reckless or dangerous or just plain stupid, but hey, we're living without regrets here, ok? So take your judgement someplace else while we get sweet tattoos on our hands.
It's going to be hard to give you any hints without completely giving away the celebrity ...
Me, I picked Courtney Stodden. Not only is she a true American, as you can see in the classy photo above, but we could trade makeup tips, she could show me where to get cool and stylish arm bands, and I could figure out the best, most tactful way to tell her that none of her shoes fit and it looks gross. Yes, Courtney Stodden would make a fine, fine neighbor.
But you know what? Apparently this real estate blog called Zillow does this survey every year in which they ask people which celebrity they would most like to have as a neighbor and which celeb...
Man, Lindsay Lohan just can't catch a break, huh? Or, depending on how you look at it, she's caught every break possible, and quite a few that shouldn't have been. Either way, there's some brand new drama surrounding our girl Lindsay in the form of some guy knocking on her door:
Cops were called to Lindsay Lohan's Venice Beach pad earlier this evening -- after a strange, unidentified man came a-knockin' ... and Lindsay freaked the hell out.
Law enforcement sources tell TMZ, the man -- an...
I want you to really think about this now. Since 2007, how much money has all of Lindsay's legal shenanigans cost her? Consider all those times that she violated her probation, and all those times we've discussed her clothing choices for court. Consider the past four years. Do you have an estimate?
Well, it really depends on who you ask. For instance, here's the story according to TMZ:
According to our sources, newsstands in major cities like New York and Los Angeles have had to re-order the issue multiple times. We're told Playboy is even getting re-orders from cities that usually never order more issues.
Meanwhile, Fox News is claiming that the issue really isn't selling all that well:
But not many consumers are paying for that experience. In fact, interest seems low in seeing ...
But no, really, how is this still happening? How does Lindsay Lohan still have a modelling career? How does Lindsay Lohan still have any kind of career? Has no one heard that she's a flake with a meth habit? Has no one seen her lips? Has no one noticed that look in her eye that alternates between "I'm dead inside" and "crazycrazycrazy"? Haven't people had their fill of her crackhead shenanigans? Do people think that we're still interested in her in a way that isn't akin to watching a t...
Thank goodness, right? Because there was a good chance that she wouldn't. If you'll remember, Lindsay missed her plane back to L.A. after she lost her expensive purse filled with money and important documents in Hawaii. She was supposed to be on Ellen to debut that Playboy cover that we've all already seen, but in an unsurprising display of unprofessionalism, she didn't make it. My money (but not my $10,000 in my $5,000 purse) was on Lindsay missing her court date today as well, but I was wr...
Lindsay Lohan is due in an L.A. court tomorrow morning. Lindsay was vacationing in Hawaii over the weekend. On Sunday, her purse was stolen from a car, along with her legal paperwork, passport, and $10,000 cash.
And when TMZ reported this information, smuthounds the world over arched their eyebrows suspiciously. Does Lindsay think she can really get out of her December 14 court date? we all simultaneously wondered.
Fortunately, Lindsay's purse was found and returned. Phew!
Less fort...
"Ultimately we are each responsible for ourselves and for our actions. Looking back, I probably would have listened to and taken more advice from the people whom I admire and would have followed through with it more. My stubbornness at 18 and 19 years old got in the way. During the past five years, I've learned that time flies faster than you think, and because you only live once you have to learn from your mistakes, live your dreams and be accountable."
- Lindsay Lohan tells Playboy all a...