Aww, this is sad. As you well know, our girl Lindsay Lohan hosted Saturday Night Live last night. As you also know, it, um, wasn't that good. I told you this morning that she was incredibly flat, not to mention the fact that she so obviously and so frequently got her lines from cue cards, but you know what other people are saying? Other people are saying that Lindsay Lohan was the worst host of the whole season. And that's got to hurt a little, to have your big comeback so poorly review...
After what seems like a lifetime of waiting and more promotion than she's done in ages, the day is finally here: tonight, Lindsay Lohan will host Saturday Night Live. And it's going to be better than anything this world has ever seen.
Let's take a moment to learn some more information about Lindsay's big night, ok?
Lindsay Lohan's taking her music career to the next level on SNL tonight -- TMZ has learned, the actress plans to SING the majority of her opening monologue on the sketch sh...
Just yesterday, I told you all that Lindsay Lohan was going to be on The Today Show this week. Remember that? And we all got excited that Lindsay might finally be pulling it together, and we held hands in a circle and sent positive vibes her way? Yeah, you remember. The interview was actually done yesterday, and guess what! We have excerpts!
From NBC:
There was a time when we talked last time, where I think you didn't want to talk about a lot of things. Because I think,...
You guys. I'm going to love this week. I am going to cherish it and hold it close to my heart for the rest of my days. And do you know why? Because this is the week that Lindsay Lohan is set to host Saturday Night Live. And that is a Big Deal, for obvious reasons (Lindsay's getting her life on track! Lindsay's acting again! Hooray! Hurrah!). But it's a Bigger Deal for a reason that you might not have heard yet. Do you want to hear about it? Yes. You do.
From TMZ:
Lindsay Lohan...
Lindsay Lohan spent this morning performing one of her regular activities: going to court. And, just like last time, the judge told her she was doing a great job with her probation. Yawn.
From TMZ:
Lindsay Lohan just got yet another rave review from Judge Stephanie Sautnerduring her probation progress report hearing this AM -- as Sautner proudly announced, "You're in the home stretch!"
Sautner was impressed -- that for the 3rd time in a row, Lindsay completed her required community service and therapy sessions.
Lindsay, baby, we are so proud of you! After what seems like - and I guess actually was - years of just crashing parties and crack whoring and crack, you have finally managed to lock down something good, something respectable, and something that could actually help you get your career back on track! I didn't think I would ever again be able to feel this kind of pride and this kind of optimism for you, but girl, the time has come.
You got a gig hosting SNL, Lindsay! Hooray!
I know that Jenn mentioned this amazing little fact yesterday in her Saturday Night Live post, but there's ...
Because based on her recent actions, she really, really wants one, and she's not too shy to ask for it. But let's back up.
Remember those photos I showed you a few days ago, the ones where Lindsay Lohan was wandering around in that tragic fur coat, looking busted as hell and about 25 years older than she actually is? Yeah, those pictures were taken at amfAR, a charity event held to raise money for AIDS research. What a nice event for Lindsay to attend, right? Sounds like a step in the right ...
Hey. First of all, let me just say that I love you, and I admire your strength. All right? No one should ever have to see what you've seen, and you've faced so much more than you ever should have had to face. I can't take that back, but I can try to make it better.
I want to talk to you first, Lindsay Lohan's hair. It's possible that you've had it the worst of all. I can't imagine what it must have been like for you to go through all those treatments and bleachings and who knows wh...
Ha ha, but really. In all seriousness, I'm thinking of taking up a collection so that we can get Lindsay Lohan some quality bras. She never wears any because she spends all her money on coke, right? And I don't want to reward that behavior, but I also don't want to keep looking at Lindsay's floppy titties all the time. I'm thinking we'll pull together some funds on PayPal or something, and one of you out west can take Lindsay to the Victoria's Secret or what have you, and make sure that she gets the support she needs. Not for her mental health issues, but for her boobs. Sound good?
And no, I'm not done talking about Lindsay Lohan's breasts.
Ok, I'm going to get real right quick: if I have to see Lindsay Lohan done up like Marilyn Monroe or compare herself to Marilyn Monroe one more time, I'm going to have to take some drastic measures. Like, I might have to tweet about it, and I haven't tweeted anything since July when I set a small fire in my kitchen. That's how seriously I feel about this.
It's like all Lindsay can do these days is look busted, and it's really sad. I watched Mean Girls a couple weeks back, and you guys, she w...
According to X17 (via Celebuzz), Lindsay Lohan just might have a new fella in her life!
Meet 21-year-old Henry Hopper. He just finished shooting a movie called Tar. He is French Stewart's stepson. And! He is Dennis Hopper's son. I know!
Unfortunately, Lindsay claims there is no truth to the rumor they are an item. Furthermore, she would prefer that I not re-report that a liquor store clerk TOTALLY saw her kissing Henry Hopper.
The Hollywood Gossip:
Lindsay acknowledges she was at the party at...