Let's get through the facts first, all right, then we can discuss. Here's what happened: there was a surfing contest last Thursday, and Lindsay Lohan and Kristen Stewart were both there. It looks like Kristen's brother is into surfing, and I guess he was competing, but I have no idea why Lindsay was there. Surfers aren't really known for being into meth, are they?
But anyway, the two ladies ran into each other again at a house party later that night. And that's it. That's where the stor...
Being a Southern girl, I see lots of western wear on a daily basis. I do like some of it - I have an awesome pair of pink cowboy boots, for example - but for the most part, I just really can't appreciate it. I don't really care for the hats, and I think the super tight jeans are kind of awkward. But you know what my very least favorite element of that whole style is? Fringe. I cannot stand fringe.
Lindsay Lohan, though, she obviously doesn't share my thoughts, because she managed to w...
Oh, of all things ... did you know that we're going to get a fifth installment of the Scary Movie series? Because that's something that everyone wants. The first two came out when I was 12 and 13, and I did enjoy them, but when the third one was released, I was 14, and it was way dumb. I think I vaguely remember the fourth one being made, but I've never seen any of it. But there's apparently still some sort of an audience, because the fifth one is definitely in the works.
And - wait fo...
I know what you're thinking. Surely that headline is incorrect, right? Because as we've all seen time and again, our dear Lindsay has no problem with showing off her bosom, especially if she thinks it will help her in her lifelong quest to win an Oscar. But it's true: for some reason, Lindsay didn't want to go topless for her softcore porn, The Canyons. The reason?
From TMZ:
Lindsay Lohan was EXTREMELY hesitant to shoot a steamy sex scene for her new movie "The Canyons" last week -- but we're told, she quickly ch...
She hit someone's car! While she was in her car! I know, what a shocker!
The accident wasn't serious, or at least it wasn't as serious as her last accident. See, what happened was Lindsay decided to go shopping yesterday afternoon, which is fine. But she decided to drive, which, as we all know, is usually not so fine. She was headed down Sunset Boulevard towards a stop light, but she decided not to stop. That's it. The light was red, cars were stopped, but Lindsay stops for no red light. So she hit the car in front of her.
A woman who was ...
LINDSAY. Seven days in, first full week completed. Lindsay Lohan is a huge fan of Hollywood glamour and performances from the Golden Era. Working with her every day on varied scenes I've been making a mental checklist of classic movie performances she's touched upon. There's has been a lot of Ann Margaret, some Gena Rowlands and Faye Dunaway and of course some bits of Liz Taylor and Monroe as well as a little Rita Hayworth and even Gene Tierney (although the last may be more my creation than he...
Just look at that face. That's the face of a woman with passion, with a work ethic you wouldn't believe. That's the face of a woman who's going places. You can see the creativity blazing in her eyes, and underneath all that gorgeous hair, you can be sure that a million ideas are being born. But above all else, this is the face of a woman who knows what she wants.
So what does Lindsay want now? Oh, no big deal, just to co-star in a movie with Jennifer Lawrence. Here's this idea that Lindsa...
You know, Lindsay has really been outdoing herself with her meth hijinks this summer, hasn't she? There's been all that Liz and Dick greatness, then there was that suicide themed photo shoot. She even had us thinking that she died that one time, remember? It's been so much to keep up with that I almost forgot about that time she wrecked that rental car on the highway.
So what did Lindsay lie about? Well, remember how she gave out a zillion excuses for why she ran her car into the back of a giant truck? She said the truck...
And just to clarify, I'm not saying that Michael Lohan is going to step up and actually try to be a good father to the children he already has. No, when I say that Michael Lohan is going to be a dad again, I mean that, in just a few months' time, he's going to have a brand new kid to screw up. Because Michael Lohan knows what he's good at, and he's not going to hide his light under a bushel basket any longer.
Are you cringing just thinking about that? Yes? Well, then I have a bonus cringe for you: the mother of Michael's latest spaw...
Did you know that the absolute shitshow known as Liz & Dick has finished filming? They finished yesterday. So no more hilarious photos from the set, no more hilarious stories about Lindsay screwing up. It's all over, and now all we have to look forward to is the movie itself. Which, oh yeah, is going to be fabulous.
But you guys know Lindsay. She wouldn't dream of making us wait all the way till August to see her stunning portrayal of Elizabeth Taylor again. No, she gave us one last p...
Remember that sticking-a-gun-in-her-mouth photo shoot that Lindsay recently did with Terry Richardson? Well. People are not happy about it, and I don't just mean Dr. Derp Drew. No, various suicide prevention alliances have come forward and condemned Lindsay for her---wait for it, wait for it---bad judgement, and have said that her actions are completely inappropriate behavior for a "celebrity" to engage in. From E! Online:
"When a celebrity uses suicide and specifically the means to do it as a joke, i...