Ugh, God.
And if that doesn't freak you out enough? I've got a few words for you---Lindsay Lohan and Charlie Sheen. IN BED. TOGETHER.
This photo right here features Lindsay Lohan and Charlie Sheen, in the first published photo of their scene together in Scary Movie 5. We talked last week about Lindsay ditching the set, claiming she had "walking pneumonia," and after she was threatened with a non-compliance lawsuit, she returned to the set, magically healed, and magically making out w...
See, this is what I find so frustrating about Lindsay Lohan: everything. Ha ha, but really, it's just so irritating to me that she's such a trainwreck that basically anyone in the same vicinity as her could make up any story about her and it's automatically believable. Like, if I was in New York right now and I noticed that the lady I just accidentally brushed shoulders with is Lindsay Lohan, I could go to the hospital and tell everyone that she violently shoved me and broke my arm, and it ...
From TMZ:
Lindsay Lohan was arrested for leaving the scene of an accident this morning after allegedly clipping a pedestrian in downtown Manhattan ... TMZ has learned.
Law enforcement sources tell TMZ, Lindsay was pulling in to park her Porsche Cayenne near the Dream Hotel in downtown NYC when -- at a very low speed -- she allegedly hit the knee of a 30-something year old guy. That was around 2AM ET.
We're told one of Lindsay's passengers in the SUV got out and checked the car for damage .....
Man, Lindsay sure has been tweeting gold lately, huh? I thought she'd really topped herself when she told us all to fight for our dreams so that we, too, could get really, extremely overpriced purses, but I was wrong. Because if there's just one truth about Lindsay Lohan, it's that she can always, always, manage to top herself.
Here are a couple of tweets that Lindsay sent out last night, right after the news broke that Amanda Bynes's car got impounded:
Why did I get put in jail and a nickelodeon star ha...
How delusional is Lindsay Lohan? And is it just me, or has she been getting more and more delusional as time goes by? There was that tweet about how she totally didn't have anything to do with that Vanity Fair article about Tom Cruise, like any of us would think that she ever had a serious connection to Tom Cruise OR that Vanity Fair would even want to speak with her. There was that other tweet where she told Obama that the people listed on the Forbes list of millionaires should get tax cuts if they're not real...
Oh my god, you didn't think I was serious, did you? I mean, Lindsay did technically discuss economics with President Obama, but it wasn't like she flew down to the convention and had lunch with him or anything. No, Lindsay's influence exists only on Twitter, and then only on Twitter in tweets that she deletes soon after posting without (obviously) ever getting a response.
But either way, I think this is just great. I laughed so, so hard, and after I saw this screencap I went to read all of...
"At least i know that i have done the work for an angel in heaven .. I know that she will see it from up above.. bless her."
That is a thing that Lindsay tweeted to Elizabeth Taylor, who I'm sure will def get back to her after she's through having brunch with Jesus.
And for those of us who are crazy impatient for this work of art to finally air, we have a release date at last: November 3rd. For some reason, I thought I had read that they were aiming to get it aired in late August, but I guess that was just w...
Sure, Lindsay was a nightmare to work with on Liz & Dick. She didn't memorize her lines, she crashed cars on her way to work, she almost died or just didn't want to work that one time, I could never figure out which, and, of course, just this morning we learned that she completely trashed Liz's own dressing room. But it was all worth it, because Lindsay's resemblance to Liz is downright eerie. Right?
LOL, no. Look at this one:
But I will say this: Lindsay as 1980s Elizabeth Taylor ...
Ok, listen. Lindsay Lohan stole $100,000 worth of jewelry at that house party. She definitely did that. That absolutely happened. And the guy who owned the jewelry (which, just so you're up to date, was mostly watches and some sunglasses) called the police, the police questioned Lindsay, they investigated, she officially became a suspect, and now the charges have been dropped. Because nothing was stolen. Because - wait for it - according to the owner of the jewelry, when it comes to Li...
Well, you know what they say. Haters gonna hate. Players gonna play. Flop Lip gonna flop. Sunrise, sunset. Just another day in the life.
What I'm saying is that Lindsay Lohan cannot stop breaking laws, and, as such, she cannot stop being named a suspect for breaking those laws. And that's exactly what's happening now.
Let's catch up real quick, all right? We all know that Lindsay stole a bunch of jewelry at a house party last week. Allegedly. Police asked her some routine questio...
There are a couple of new stories about Lindsay Lohan's latest jewelry heist, which makes me believe that it's going to turn into a big thing. It's always so hard to tell at first, you know? This girl just gets into so many shenanigans that you never know when she's going to get busted and when she's going to pull some of her meth magic and work her way out of whatever bad situation she got herself into. But I think this might turn into something.
If you'll remember, Lindsay was at a house...
Well, at this point it's not even "allegedly," because police don't consider her a suspect (yet). She was just questioned after a bunch of expensive jewelry went missing in a house where she was staying. Which is totally weird, because we know that Lindsay would never steal any jewelry.
From TMZ:
Lindsay Lohan was interviewed by police today regarding an apparent burglary at a Hollywood Hills home last night -- but Lindsay insists ... she had nothing to do with it.
According to sources, Lindsay slept over at th...