Amanda Bynes is serious about designing a clothing line, and In Touch was serious enough to interview her about it. It's going to be very chic and elegant as she is inspired by Justin Bieber's sense of style and fashion choices. Just picture it: a whole line of saggy pants, caps meant to be worn backwards, the worst of the 1980's, creepy knock-off "Channel" ski masks, and of course, absolutely no shirts (of which Miss Amanda is also not a fan of). And this:
Yes, how could one not be...
There's little that brings me more joy in this world than Justin Bieber fans - Beliebers, as we all unfortunately know them as - get punked. They're by far the most obnoxious group of fans with internet access, save for maybe the Little Monsters. Nah, Beliebers are still worse. Anyhow, life got a lot more fun on Saturday when E! Online's Twitter account started posting some shocking news updates including the one above, and this one:
Hahahaha! Isn't that great? As soon as I saw it, I r...
Justin Bieber is basically a singing idiot in stupid clothing, but he made a very smart move when he stopped his concert in Turkey twice to honor the Muslim Prayer call. I don't know whose idea this was -- I'm guessing not his -- but it was a good idea.
From Eonline:
The 19-year-old singer halted his concert in Istanbul twice to honor the Azan.
The Azan, which also goes by a few other names like the adhan, is the Islamic call to prayer and occurs in the main mosque five times a day.
Justin Bieber has been hinting that he's back together with Selena Gomez and the whole world has been hoping that's not true (especially the Beliebers, who are pretty much on 24/7 suicide watch at the moment). In between getting shirtless with Baby Elvis and, I dunno, wearing bindis on stage, Selena has apparently been getting pleas from her closest friends to drop Justin once and for all.
From The Sun:
While Justin is revelling in successfully persuading his girlfriend to rekindle their romance, her fri...
Rumours have been flying around at the speed of light that Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez are back together after the pair were apparently spotted kissing in Norway and Justin posted a picture of them looking cosy on Instagram, which he quickly deleted. Of course, the little asshole has continued to stir the shit by then posting another picture of them together (seen above) with the following caption:
"You've been makin music for too long babe come cuddle- her."
Now, I won't even get into the a...
Guys, being Justin Bieber is so hard! It's like, he can't even do whatever he wants to do, treat everyone like shit and be a total smacked ass without people talking about it making up rumors! I mean, can't a 19-year-old spit in people's faces, import exotic animals, smoke weed and have a stun gun without everyone having to say something about it? Ugh, everything's the WORST!
Wittle Justin took to his Twitter page (of course) to complain yesterday about the "rumors" (news reports) about him p...
Selena Gomez never has much of anything interesting or intelligent to say (but she DOES have amazing hair), so it's no surprise that her latest interview on the Elvis Duran in the Morning Show consisted of a lot of words with very little meaning. The gist of it, if my listening skills are correct, is that she wants the fun parts of fame and not the bullshit ones and everyone should just leave her alone, especially when it comes to her relationship with ex(?)-boyfriend Justin Bieber. But let's hear it in her own words, shall we?
"I'm ...
Justin Bieber is an absolute idiot, so it's no surprise that he doesn't think to put his drugs and shit on the crew bus instead of his own. Carrying his weed stash with him caused a bit of trouble for Baby Elvis when Swedish police raided his bus in Stockholm shortly before he was due to perform at the Globen Arena.
No one was arrested and they haven't pressed charges against anyone in particular just yet, but they did find a nice little stash of weed and a stun gun, so whatever the hell ...
I'm going to go ahead and hold out hope that this is all a crock of shit, because I just ate breakfast and would prefer not to throw up all over my keyboard. That'll be what happens if reports are true that Justin "Baby Elvis" Bieber and Selena Gomez are back together, since apparently they were seen kissing in Norway. Oh, and Justin posted the photo above on his Instagram for about three minutes before deleting it, so...
From People:
Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber's relationship appears to be back on – again!
The Spring Breakers star traveled to Oslo, Norway...