Justin Bieber and his manager Scooter Braun have apparently booked a trip on an upcoming Virgin Atlantic flight to space so that Baby Elvis can achieve his dream of filming a music video there. The cool thing about space that without gravity, you're a lot lighter. The uncool thing about space is that Justin Bieber's coming. Ugh. This kid ruins everything.
Great to hear @justinbieber & @scooterbraun are latest @virgingalactic future astronauts. Congrats, see you up there!— richardbra...
Hurray for Justin Bieber! Being a total asshole will obviously make you REALLY popular, because he's just become the first person to reach 40 million followers on Twitter. As we all know, nearly half of those are "fake" accounts, so it's not all that much of a celebration, but don't tell him that! He's living the dream!
#dreamBIG twitter.com/justinbieber/s…— Justin Bieber (@justinbieber) June 4, 2013
I'm rolling my eyes. But uh, congrats, Baby Elvis. ...
In a startlingly detailed report in Star, a 15-year-old Biebs allegedly slept with an unidentified 25-year-old “European” woman on Feb. 4, 2010. They supposedly met at a T.G.I. Fridays after the singer’s concert in Florida and he took her back to his room at the Gansevoort South hotel, the mag claims.
After the alleged one-night stand, the woman gave birth in late October 2010 to a baby girl, a “source” said in the report.
“She gave birth to a baby girl later that year, and Justin didn’t know anything about it. She just wanted to protect her baby. She wanted to keep her and her family away from any spotlight,” the source said. “In my opinion, she does look a lot like Justin did at that same age.”
To take it a step further, the tabloid printed alleged texts between Bieber and the woman after their supposed hook-up where he says “thanks 4 last night” and calls it “Our little secret?”
A rep for Bieber has claimed that the story is completely false.
Riiiight. Wouldn't you love it if this were true? I mean, it's not, but HAHAHA TGIFridays! "Our secret"! Ah, this is so good. He'll need to stop smoking weed and get off that Segway and start playing child support - HA! />Oh ho ho. Another day, another Justin Bieber paternity "story". This time, he apparently has a 2-year-old kid somewhere in Europe after having sex with a woman he met at a TGIFridays when he was 15. I can't with this - it's too hilarious.
From the bastion of fine journalism that is Star magazine (via The New York Post):
In a startlingly detailed report in Star, a 15-year-old Biebs allegedly slept with an unidentified 25-year-old “European” woman on Feb. 4, 2010. They supposedly met at a ...
It's no secret that Justin Bieber has gone from a cutie patootie 13-year-old kid with (seemingly) lots of talent to raging asshole with far more bark than his bite that you wanna slap in the face. It's pretty bad when even mentor realises that you're heading down the wrong road, and indeed Usher has spoken out to say that he's "hoping for the best" when it comes to Justin getting his shit together.
Appearing on The Ellen DeGeneres Show, Usher tried to be as diplomatic as possible about the situation, saying:
"I think all o...
Justin Bieber is an insufferable neighbor, with all the spitting on people and insane parties, but none of that even compares to his new alleged activity: riding around on Segways, smoking pot. Brilliant. If this is what you do in your spare time, you have too much money. It's not that this behavior tops anything else -- it's just that it's f-cking hilarious. From TMZ:
... neighbors tell us they saw him over the long weekend riding a Segway and smoking a joint ... smack in front of neighborh...
I mean, who could blame her? A lot of people hate Taylor Swift, too, I know, but she's far less reprehensible than that shirtless pseudo-thug baby. Anyhoo, y'all know by now that Taylor and Selena Gomez are BFFs, which kinda creates a problem since she may or may not be back with Bieber. What we do know is that they shared a little cheek kiss at the Billboard Music Awards and Taylor's reaction to that is classic:
She was even asked by reporters backstage what she thought of that award Bieber got (and got booed for getting) and she just aske...
I don't know why you'd want to stay in Justin Bieber's house with or without him in it, but many of his friends seem to want to use his place as a party pad while he's out and about, and he's totally fine with that. Nevermind what the neighbours think! Between the massive raves and the racecar driving/face spitting, he sounds like a barrel of monkeys to live next door to - but there's one caveat to all this. If you wanna stay, you gotta pay. Or, you know, sign a $5 million waiver saying you'll...
Bill Hader, a very recent Saturday Night Live alum, did an interview with Howard Stern and gave us some tidbits about working on SNL. And thus, the tale of two Justins. From Uproroxx:
Justin Bieber showed up with like 20 guys. And every time, backstage is a very small constructed place, he had a guy holding a slice of pizza, a guy holding a Diet Coke. You were trying to fight around all these people to get dressed. [Justin] Timberlake, it was just him. He’s a real class act, that guy.
I thi...
Has anything ever made more sense in the world than Justin Bieber and Chris Brown hanging out together? I mean, really? Lest we forget, Chris is the one who coined Justin's nickname (in my eyes), "Baby Elvis". Justin posted the picture on his Instagram with the caption, "CB what up?" Well, I'll tell you what's up - my hackles, because I can't stand either of you. Why won't you go away?
Anyway, on a happier note, Justin Bieber's poor abandoned monkey has become property of Germany since he ...
Jon Bon Jovi's been touring for about eight gazillion years and he's still raking in the money, so I think he knows a thing or two about hitting the road and keeping fans happy. That's why, instead of speaking up urging Justin Bieber to stop being an asshole and a waste of space, he's instead warning Baby Elvis against showing up late for his shows, because people don't like waiting. Well, okay.
From The London Evening Standard:
Jon Bon Jovi has branded Justin Bieber an “asshole” for eme...
Carly Rae Jepsen and Justin Bieber are both Canadian, so I guess that means they have an unbreakable bond. Plus, Justin took Carly on tour and now they're BFFs or something. Either way, Carly has felt the need to speak out in support of Baby Elvis and defend his good name from those who have called him out for the asshole he is.
From E! News:
"All I see is an incredibly hard worker and a man who's just passionate about what he does," she told E! News in response to the Bieb's bad press. "Jus...
Listen, I don't advocate theft at all, but we are talking about douchebag extraordinaire Justin Bieber here, so I think I can make an exception. Here's what went down: thieves in Johannesburg, South Africa spent days chiseling through the walls of the Soccer City Stadium, where Baby Elvis had performed several shows, and then lowered themselves down into the building and made away with about one million rand - or $108,800 - of profits generated from Bieber's concerts.
From BBC Newsbeat:
The gang, armed with ropes...