There were rumours flying around that Justin Bieber and his corny ass friends ordered some prostitutes from a local brothel while in Rio de Jeneiro this past week, and while I don't think too many people besides demented Beliebers thought that was untrue, now we have our proof: the hooker Justin fucked took a video on her phone and posted it on the internet while he slept. LMAOOOOOOO! LOVE IT:
Here's the scoop: the woman in question is a well-known prostitute in the area named Tati Neves....
Some fans in Brazil shelled out some pretty big bucks - the eqiuvalent of $500, in fact - for a special meet-and-greet package with the love of their lives, Justin Bieber. Now, Justin is a busy man-child, of course, so he couldn't spend hours with his fans, but while most artists at least take a few moments to chat with each person who's paid the money and taken the time to come backstage, what Justin Bieber's fans got was... a whole lot less.
What the fuck just happened? The girls got five seconds to take a picture before they were PHYSICALLY SHOVED...
Justin Bieber has been known to make his various sexual partners sign non-disclosure agreements when it comes to entering the bedroom with him, so I imagine the contracts with the Brazilian prostitutes he hired was iron-clad. Here's the deal: Justin went to a brothel called Centaurus in Rio de Janeiero on Friday night with a few friends and after staying for a little while (probably to pick which girls they were after), he left under a bed sheet and two women followed him right over to his hotel. Don't believe me? Here ...
If there's one thing Justin Bieber is not, it's a hardened thug. Don't tell him that, though - he thinks he's the next hip hop star. As part of his #MusicMondays bullshit, he released a song called "Wait For a Minute' with Tyga, who is an actual rapper (though not really much of a good one, which is why I suppose he agreed to collaborate with Bieber). Here it is, in all its glory:
Well, isn't that special? This song is absolutely awful and makes me wish I was born without ears. Also, sorr...
Justin Bieber might be our least favorite person here at Evil Beet, but he's found a superfan in 33-year-old Mr. Toby Sheldon. Now here's a man who needs attention. He spent around $100,000 to look like Justin Bieber and he wants everyone to know it. Hey, if it's his goal and his dream and he's not hurting anyone...
So, why would anyone do this? Here's what he told The Daily Mail (via Daily News):
Once Justin shot to fame his face was everywhere and I all I kept thinking when I saw his pi...
Justin Bieber thinks he's a real tough guy these days because he took steroids to get a set of baby abs and he's discovered weed, so of course he has to prove his manhood by doing such masculine things like spitting in people's faces and sometimes even hitting them. The later is what happened recently at a club in Seoul, South Korea, where Justin and his gaggle of security were presumably "partying" and the wittle bebe didn't like the music selection being played. It was an EDM event, but Justi...
Justin Bieber has started some new campaign called #MusicMondays, where he's going to reveal one track from his upcoming album every week for ten weeks. Wow, we all wait with baited breath for that one, I'm sure. The first of those tracks is called "Heartbreaker", and here's how Justin - the sensitive ~poet~ that he is - explained the inspiration behind it:
http://t.co/JujtXp9OPy pic.twitter.com/a2yYWZditg— Justin Bieber (@justinbieber) October 7, 2013
Well, isn't that special. ...
We asked you to vote on the biggest events of the summer and here are your results!
You voted Cory Monteith's death the most shocking.
Between which birth was the bigger deal, you voted the royal baby over North West.
Your Biggest WTF of the summer was Robin Thicke and Miley Cyrus' MTV VMA disaster.
Best celeb fight was Amanda Bynes vs. everyone on Twitter.
Best fashion moment was Kim Kardashian's terrible MET Gala Dress:
The majority of you are NOT excited about the return of Lady Gaga.
And finally, in what I think is an upset, most anno...
Justin Bieber is a fucking joke. We're all agreed on that, right? He's an absolute idiot who can't keep his shirt on or his trousers up, and now he's so obnoxious, he won't even walk up the Great Wall of China. While most would kill for the opportunity to take in one of the Wonders of the World and its rich history, Justin apparently thought it was all one big joke and that he should have his bodyguards CARRY HIM UP IT. God, I hate this kid.
Of course, his fans being as dumb as he is, they all t...
Vanilla Ice's ears perk up whenever his name is mentioned, like a well-meaning but clueless doggie. Miley Cyrus compared Bieber to Vanilla Ice, as an insult, saying, "I just don’t want to see him f-ck that up, to where people think he’s Vanilla Ice." But all Mr. Ice needed to hear was "Vanilla Ice" and so he jumped on the train...against not only Justin Bieber, but Vanilla Ice. He talked about it with TMZ:
Vanilla Ice wants Justin Bieber to stop acting like a shirtless douchebag all the t...
Justin Bieber might want to invest some of his millions in quality belts, because while performing at the Grand Prix Closing Concert on Monday, he had a bit of a wardrobe malfunction as his pants continued to slip lower and lower and had to be held off until he could run off stage to fix them. Since Justin sees himself as a total ~thug~, he of course sags his pants to show that he's ~down~ and ~super urban~, so it's not like they fell from waist level, but seriously, come on.
I know we're ...
It's sort of hilarious that in the new issue of Rolling Stone, Miley Cyrus starts running her mouth about how Justin Bieber might "ruin" his fame if he keeps being a controversial asshole. Pot, meet kettle. Apparently, Miley considers herself to be Justin's "mentor" AND that she's way more mature because, LOL boyz r so dum!!! I can't with this girl. I mean, I never really could, but I definitely can't now.
Parked next to us is a black Range Rover. "I'm not gonna lie," she says. "I think that ...