Did everyone eat a shit ton of food yesterday? Are you getting amped up for leftovers today? Well, celebs had their feasts yesterday too, with some looking a bit better than others'. Of course, MUCH of this food was catered and you can tell. Kim Kardashian and Kris Jenner tried to pretend they had home cooking, but their Instagram followers weren't fooled and called them out on having chefs/caterers for the big day, LOL. Justin Bieber's dinner looked like the most un-fun thing ever. Just l...
Justin Bieber sprayed graffiti all over the walls of an Australian hotel, but unlike Brazil, they ain't even mad. According to their Facebook page, via SFGate,
He asked, and we said YES.
Here's what they said "YES" to:
Yikes. Well, he's not Banksy or anything, but I guess it's not too terrible?
At least he found a country that doesn't hate him. Not that he's truly sorry about anything anyway.
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Justin Bieber is still going strong with his #MusicMondays bullshit, and his latest offering comes in the form of a song called 'All That Matters'. I guarantee you nothing about this song matters, but some people apparently like this kid and so it's news.
Speaking of Justin Bieber fans, where's my Ontario-based Anonymous poster whose fingers are hovering over the keyboard, getting ready to tell me how I need to bend over and take it from Justin from behind since that's clearly what I want when ...
Justin Bieber has done a new exposé with The Hollywood Reporter, wherein he basically said he's not sorry about anything he ever does and that he's not a dickhead at all, he's just "all about amazingness". HAHAHAHHAHAHA. Here are some choice quotes below:
His thoughts on "black culture":
"I'm very influenced by black culture, but I don't think of it as black or white," he says. "It's not me trying to act or pose in a certain way. It's a lifestyle -- like a suaveness or a swag, per se. But I don't really like to say the word ['swag'] anymore. It's ...
Oh, Justin Bieber. Can you just leave South America - better yet, leave the planet - and never return? It's one thing after another with this kid. This time around, he tweeted the following message on Monday night before performing at Foro Sol in Mexico City (note: the message has since been deleted):
"Just met some amazing mexican beliebers and the presidente of mexico and his familia. Now it is showtime. 60,000 [people] tonight ... te amo."
Uh, only problem is, he definitely didn't m...
Lady Gaga, for all her shenanigans, didn't make the number one spot on Forbes highest grossing musicians list. Who did? Jay Z? Taylor Swift? One Direction? Click to find out!
Justin Bieber has got to be the worst fucking neighbour ever, even when he's not there. He lets his hoodlum friends run rampant and they act like utter dickheads - much like Justin himself - and the other people who actually live there and act like normal, respectable human beings have to put up with it. This time, however, he was there, and he was throwing a party for over 100 people which disturbed the whole block, and the police were apparently called to the Calabasas property THREE TIMES on Saturday night.
Remember when Justin Bieber tried to smuggle a pet monkey (PET MONKEY) into Germany and got caught, and then customs put the animal in quarantine and told him everything he needed to do to get the poor thing back, and then he decided, "Eh, fuck it, I'll just get a new monkey" and left it there and did indeed get a new monkey? Fucking dickhead. Anyway, he still owes Germany $11,000 over that whole ordeal.
Here's the story from Celebuzz:
German officials still haven’t heard a word from Bie...
Oh dear. Justin Bieber is not having such a great time in South America, is he? Graffiti charges, prostitutes and now he's in deep shit for shoving the Argentinian flag off the stage when a fan put it there during a recent concert in the country. In fact, he didn't even use his hands to get rid of it - he pushed it off with his mic stand. Uh oh! Some video came out of the incident and fans went nutso at him online, so he felt the need to take to Twitter and.... (gasp) apologise!
Can't believe I...
Justin Bieber is not having a very good time in Brazil, between getting kicked out of its lovely hotels and being fined for drawing on its lovely buildings. Then there was the whole getting caught with a hooker thing. Well, they're calling her a "model" and she's got all the gross juicy details about Bieber's naked bod. Here's what she's saying, from the London Sun via Calgary Herald:
Take it from me, he has quite a fit body and looked great naked. [He's] well-endowed and very good in bed.
Justin Bieber is a fucking mess. I could literally leave this entry at simply that and that would be enough, but we're here to report the NEWS people. The latest dose of it is that this little dickhead was kicked out of his hotel in Buenos Aires, Argentina and apparently none of the others want him there, either.
From TMZ:
Sources close to Biebs tell us ... Hotel Faena officials in Buenos Aires finally had enough after fans continued to destroy hotel property all week long while camping o...
Justin Bieber lives his life like he can do anything and we're all just lucky to be in it, so I'm happy that Brazil stood up and said, "Oh HELL no." They're slapping him with a graffiti charge. What's really funny about this is that Bieber had permission from the city Rio de Janeiro to paint on a wall, but Bieber chose to paint on a wall closer to his hotel. The official charge from police is (via People magazine), "Defacing a building or urban monument by graffiti or other means." The police statemen...