Justin Bieber is in a bit of hot water (again), this time over allegedly throwing a ton of eggs at his neighbour's house, causing thousands of dollars worth of damages to the fancy Venetian tiling and whatever else rich people have on the outside of their houses. Justin could actually be charged with felony vandalism here, which is why cops were anxious to find some evidence either way and headed over to his house for a search yesterday.
Police seized days worth of security footage from Jus...
Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez were spotted together in his neighborhood riding Segways, like a couple of assholes. But now it looks like they're doing more than just that. It looks like they're back together. The Beebs posted the above photo of the two of them on his Instagram captioned with,
Love the way you look at me
Selena, you did not cancel your tour so you can give your life to Bieber, so cut this shit out.
Kids. Ugh.
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SMH all over the place at this fuckery. Selena Gomez clearly hasn't learned her lesson to stay away from utter dickheads, because here she is hanging out with Justin Bieber. By hanging out, of course, I mean riding Segways down a street in Justin's Calabasas, California neighbourhood. Ah, the romance! Justin and one of his cronies leaving you in the dust, his bodyguards holding up traffic as they ride in cars alongside the group... true love isn't dead!
Listen, I know when you're young, you do stupid things and you're attracte...
Justin Bieber's documentary, Believe, premiered on Christmas day to disappointing numbers. It bombed. To quote Nelson Muntz, "HAW HAW!" Dude showed up high to his own premiere so he probably doesn't even care that it did so poorly. But I am hoping this marks the decline of Bieber. From MTV:
BoxOfficeMojo.com reports that "Believe" opened on Christmas Day in 14th place, earning a mere $1.25 million. It's a far cry from the initial results for "Never Say Never," which premiered almost three years ago with a $12.4 million opening day.
Hey, Justin? Maybe recon...
Justin Bieber joked (?) about retiring on a radio show, and we all held our breaths, hoping and saying, "Maybe this is true. Maybe this is for real. Maybe God gave us all a big Christmas present." But alas, it appears young Bieber is "never leaving" us. Here's what he tweeted to ruin our Christmas:
My beloved beliebers I'm officially retiring
BUT an hour later he tweeted,
The media talks a lot about me.They make a up a lot of lies and want me to fail but I'm never leaving you, being a belie...
Seriously, I'd love to know. Justin Bieber showed up to the premiere of his Believe movie in Los Angeles on Wednesday night in an all red outfit and did a bunch of whacked out poses that were probably the most hilarious thing I've seen all week. Is this guy for real?
Sadly, I'm afraid the answer's yes.
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Justin Bieber's fans are about as bad as he is. Justin Bieber went on Los Angeles' Power 106 radio to give some boring-ass interview and then dropped this nugget. When asked about a new album, Bieber answered in a slow, quiet voice,
Actually, I'm retiring, man.
It's hard to tell if he was kidding because it was hard to read his face, since he's a total douche and was wearing sunglasses indoors. (He's also a total sunglass-wearing douche outdoors.) Here's the video:
If he WASN'T k...
And so it begins! Justin Bieber's house in Calabasas is a party hot spot both when he is and isn't there, so it should be no surprise that the fun has been kicked up a notch and an ambulance was called this weekend when a girl was found unconscious in the house. Sounds like fun!
Apparently she regained consciousness before the ambulance came there and refused any treatment, telling whoever made the call to call it off, and they did. She's "fine" now, it seems.
From US Weekly:
A source...
So, Justin Bieber is currently terrorizing Australia and while in Perth, he stayed at the Hyatt Regency, where he took another great leap into dickheaddom when he CALLED A FAN FAT and told her she belongs in Sea World. This is a 19-year-old "man" we're talking about here, one who has millions of dollars and owes that all to the corny, idiotic young girls who buy his bullshit and yet he felt the need to call a girl who was minding her own business a "beached whale"? FUUUUUUUUCK THIS KID SO HARD!!!...
Just when you think Justin Bieber might be slowing to a stroll on his path to Chris Brown-dom, he pumps the gas and accelerates by doing something incredibly dickish. This time, his entourage was stopped by airport officials in Brisbane, Australia on suspected drug offenses, and when a female customs official asked Bieber to take off his hat and glasses, he refused and then insulted them. Fuuuuuuck this kid so hard.
From TMZ:
Justin Bieber and his entourage were detained at the Brisbane, Australia airport while customs agents looked for drugs ... and TMZ has learned...
Sure, we previewed this shit the other day, but I couldn't miss out on an opportunity to scorch your retinas with the full-length video for Justin Bieber's 'All That Matters'. To me, all that matters is that I never have to feast my eyes upon this fuckery ever again, but I'm sure some little Bieber fans are gonna be mighty happy and probably watch this on repeat and lie in bed at night crying about how they'd be a PERFECT COUPLE with Justin and he'd totally fall in love with them if only he knew them or whatever Bieber fans do....
Justin Bieber is a multi-millionaire who could afford to hire the best tattoo artists that money can buy (or that money could buy but you stiff them on because you don't feel like paying), but for some reason, he still ends up with really hideous, shitty body art that looks like something a fellow inmate drew with an old Bic pen and a half-charged battery.
His latest offering is an "eagle" that takes up a good portion of his arm and also makes me want to punch him even more than usual:
I mean, I know guys don't go around with super colourful and whi...