Not sure what world Justin Bieber's living in that he thinks he's anything like James Dean, but here we are. JB shared his "inspired" photo with the Instagram legion and also made sure to tell everyone not to ask him if he actually smokes "ciggys" because he doesn't. He only smokes fat blunts and drinks Sizzurp, guys - COME ON!
His head looks like it was pasted on someone else's body here and sorry, I'm just still not buying the bad boy routine. Throw him in solitary confinement for a few d...
Justin Bieber is setting new records. He's now the first person to get a tattoo at an altitude of 40,000 feet. Why? Because he's just awful.
He got a tattoo of the word "forgive" done by tattoo artist Bang Bang, who told TMZ it was, "the most difficult tattoo I’ve ever done for sure." There was apparently "terrible turbulence".
I can't even.
TMZ reports there's no law against getting a tattoo on an airplane as long as it doesn't interfere with the safety of other passengers.
It's still so very stupid to do.
Apparently Justin Bieber's been paying rent on a California mansion for his mother, Pattie Mallette, for the past two years. It's a pretty nice place - 2,900 square feet, in fact - but now there's a bit of trouble brewing over some illegal construction she wants to do.
From TMZ:
Seems Pattie wanted to do some home improvement in her home gym but never got the permission of her landlord. She had a mirror installed last summer, but didn't pay the bill. So the company that did the work has filed a lien against the p...
Justin Bieber sold his Calabasas mansion to Khloe Kardashian a few months ago in favour of moving to Atlanta to be a hip hop star, but things aren't all that simple, it seems. Turns out, there's a mechanics lien against the property and he's gotta pay $85,000 before the sale can close.
From TMZ:
A construction company filed the lien, claiming it performed $85,011 worth of damage repair services on Justin's house and it still hasn't been paid -- which is a big problem ... because a home cannot be sold until all liens against it have been settled or paid.
If Bieber doesn't cou...
You may remember that earlier this year, Justin Bieber must have missed naptime and been a bit cranky, because he threw a hissy fit and then a bunch of eggs at his neighbor's house, apparently causing thousands of dollars worth of damage. This is the same neighbor he'd threatened to kill and whose face he spit in, so there was definitely precedent for this bullshit. Well, now he's paying the price by... trying to work out a plea deal.
From TMZ:
Our sources say the L.A. County D.A. has contacted Bieber's lawyer, Howard Weitzman, and ask...
Justin Bieber has taken his Tour of Terror to Atlanta, as of late, and we know he sold his den of sin in Calabasas, California to Khloe Kardashian a few weeks ago. However, what you may not have known is that JB actually owned the property next door to that one, in fact - but he's sold that now, too. Sorry, Los Angeles. Justin Bieber is quitting you.
From TMZ:
We're told Bieber just sold that for $2.775 million (he bought it for $2.35 mil in 2012) and the deal closes in 30 days.
As for the buyer, our sources say it's nobody famous, but he's about to inherit a slew of...
Taylor Swift doesn't fuck about, apparently. We know she's never approved of BFF Selena Gomez's relationship with Justin Bieber, but she really took shit to the next level by apparently cutting her off for good after Selena's decision to get back with his stupid ass.
From US Weekly:
Swift is disgusted that the pair are back together, cutting off her bestie after tweeting just last July that Gomez was "the closest thing I've ever had to a sister."
But Gomez rekindling of the Jelena fla...
If anything will make you gag harder than knowing that Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber are back together, it's probably knowing that they've also been choreographing "passionate" dance routines to John Legend songs together and renting rehearsal space to perfect their moves.
I don't even have words for this fuckery, but I think it's hilarious that Selena clearly sees them as star-crossed lovers who are destined to be together against all odds. I mean, we were all young once, so I get it, I ...
Justin Bieber is an absolute dickhead, that much is certain, and the videos from his recent assault deposition really proved that once and for all. He's arrogant, disrespectful and could have used a few more years of school since he comes off as sorta braindead (but maybe that's just the Sizzurp? Thug Lyfe!).
In any case, of course it's not HIS fault he was a complete asshole. No, Justin Bieber is the victim here, and you won't ever convince him otherwise. You won't break his spirit by telling him to get his fuck...
I mean, I know we've had plenty of proof before, but stories about Justin Bieber's fuckery and his asshole status were only in print previously. Well, now we've got it in video form, and if this doesn't make you want to bitch slap this kid with all your force, I don't know what will.
Justin was forced to attend a deposition after his bodyguard apparently beat up a photographer (though don't forget, Justin himself was accused of assaulting his former bodyguard and settled that case for an u...
Selena Gomez clearly has zero self-respect, which perfectly explains why she's back together with Justin Bieber despite his non-stop fuckery. Sounds like a real winner there.
The pair were spotted together at a Texas Starbucks (as you do) on Friday, though Selena tried hard as hell to keep a low profile and was hiding her face from the paparazzi, which, girl, LOL. No. If you're embarrassed to be seen with someone, you clearly know you shouldn't be.
From US Weekly:
"He has nothing going on so flew from M...
I have a feeling a lot of pre-teen Beliebers are going to learn a lot about their bodies today, because their hero Justin Bieber's jailhouse pissing video has been released by the Miami Police Dept. and it's all over the web. I don't know who on earth would be interested in such a thing, but perhaps this is a treat for the urination fetishists?
I'll just leave this here for you.
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