The moment we have been calling for all summer is finally upon us. Drivers, pedestrians, and basically every single person living in and around Los Angeles, fear no longer, for you are safe from the horror known as Amanda Bynes.
Basically, it turns out that you have to be formally charged with TWO hit-and-runs to have your license taken away. Who knew?
From TMZ:
Amanda Bynes has been banned from the roads ... because the DMV just suspended her driver's license.
According to the L.A....
Poor, poor Amanda Bynes. Girl's only had, what, three or four run-ins with police in the past few months and they're already considering throwing the book at her and putting her behind bars for almost a whole year? That's absurd. Lindsay Lohan gets away with more than that on a daily basis, and *we all know how those jail sentences work out.
From TMZ:
Amanda Bynes has been charged with TWO counts of hit-and-run -- after allegedly smashing into some car and fleeing the scene ... twice.
It's about time, right? I feel like I wake up to a new tale of Amanda Bynes' driving hijinks at least once a week, and it's because I do. This girl has spent her whole entire summer being a menace behind the wheel, but you know what? It looks like justice is just about to be served. Finally.
From TMZ:
Amanda Bynes is no longer in the clear for an alleged hit-and-run back in April -- TMZ has learned the L.A. City Attorney is taking a new look at that case because of Amanda's other hit-and-run earlier t...
Stop me if you've heard it ... Amanda Bynes was in a car accident last night. No, another one, I mean. Really.
She was driving around when someone rear-ended her for a change. But don't for one second think that she wasn't at fault, because the other driver is saying that Amanda pulled some dumbass move that caused the accident, which no one will have trouble believing. Police came - and Amanda actually hung around for that, by the way - but no one got a ticket. Because there are no t...
But she doesn't drink and she doesn't hit and run, ok guys? God.
From TMZ:
Police believe there is enough evidence to charge Amanda Bynes with hit-and-run -- after she allegedly rear-ended someone last week and fled the scene -- and now, they're passing the case to prosecutors ... law enforcement sources tell TMZ.
According to sources, LAPD officers recently made contact with Bynes following the accident and spoke with her.
After completing their investigation, we're told cops bel...
What I'm about to tell you goes against everything we've previously thought about Amanda Bynes. That widely held belief that she's one of the most responsible, upstanding citizens in Hollywood? Poof, it's going right out the window. So if you want to keep living the dream, friends, then please don't read any further. For there is a monster at the end of this book, and her name is Amanda.
Amanda Bynes hit a car. With her car. I know.
From TMZ:
A Los Angeles woman filed a police r...
It seems like ever since Amanda Bynes got wasted and hit that police car, she's dead set on making sure we all know that she never got drunk and hit a police car. Despite all the facts, despite all the evidence, she's not going to admit that she did it. And that's some real Lindsay Lohan shit right there.
The latest stop on Amanda Bynes' tour of denial? She thinks that she can come up with proof that she wasn't drinking on the night of her DUI arrest. Even though, you know, she failed...
As if there was ever any real doubt, Amanda Bynes was officially charged with a DUI yesterday in court. However, in a shocking turn of events, the judge didn't say "seriously, hand me your keys right this second, then we'll talk" as soon as Amanda entered the courtroom.
From TMZ:
Amanda Bynes has officially been charged with DUI after her arrest back in April -- when she sideswiped a cop car and allegedly attempted to flee the scene.
Bynes has been charged with one count of misdemeanor DUI -- and the D.A. has sought a sentencing enhancement becau...
"I can't help but laugh at all of you writing fake stories about me. I was not in any hit and runs. I don't drink so the DUI is false."
- Amanda Bynes tweets her denial.
Right, so when Amanda hit that cop car, kept on going, and then got pulled over and subsequently arrested for a DUI, that never happened? Was the mug shot a fake? Did the police lie? So what does that mean for her court date scheduled for next week? Will she provide evidence that the charges are imaginary? And that other time that TMZ spoke directly to the police and confirmed t...
No! Surely not! Amanda Bynes is a bright young lady who would never, ever in a million years break the law! Shame on all these vicious rumors!
Nah, you guys know I'm just joshin' you. Amanda Bynes apparently did hit another car, and in a completely unsurprising move, she didn't even stop.
From TMZ:
Amanda Bynes slammed into a car on the 101 Freeway in the San Fernando Valley on April 10 ... then fled the scene -- according to the victim who told cops the troubled actress was the culprit.
These past few weeks, ever since Amanda Bynes got that DUI and then kept right on partying, people have been comparing her with Lindsay Lohan. I definitely see it: they were both promising child actors with a great future ahead of them, they both excelled with comedy, then at some point they both started drinking too much, got DUIs, got a "party girl" reputation, spun webs of crack lies, and through it all, they kept right on getting trashed at the Chateau Marmont. Those are a whole lot of...