Today's Evil Beet Gossip


Lindsay Lohan joins Tiktok, looks great!

  Lindsay Lohan is slowly dipping her toe back into the waters of social media.  She’s joined my favorite past time, tiktok!  And you know what? She looks great! Lindsay looks...

Brad Pitt sues Angelina Jolie over winery

The break up that just wont stop!  Brad Pitt and ex wife Angelina Jolie can not stop fighting and finding reasons to end up in court.  Although this time it involves the Russians. Sort...

Is Taylor Swift Engaged??

  Usually, when there’s smoke there’s fire, but the news that Taylor Swift may be engaged is coming from Life & Style magazine, which is about 40%...

Two Hollywood legacy kids get together

  First of all…. you know that moment when you see a grown woman who you last saw when they were like an 8 year old kid in one of their parents films? Yea, that’s the kind...