Today's Evil Beet Gossip


Jodie Foster to Play Detective Again

It’s recently been learned that Jodie Foster, who cemented her top star status playing Detective Clarice Starling in Silence of the Lambs, will wear again be playing a detective. Only...

Alan White, Yes Drummer, Dies at 72

Wow. It was some Thursday night for celebs passing away.  There’s always this theory of three’s that says when a celebrity passes away, two more will soon.  Well this was...


  I am flabergasted.  Ray Liotta, star of one of my favorite movies, Goodfellas, has died at the age of 67. The actor died in his sleep in the Dominican Republic. He was engaged to...

Ari Emanuel getting married this weekend

Ari Emanuel first became known to most of us via the hit HBO show Entourage.  In it a group of guys hung out doing odd jobs for their friend who was rising to fame in Hollywood. His mega...