Today's Evil Beet Gossip


Vietnamese Chicken Salad

I know everyone eagerly checks this blog on Thursday mornings for an debriefing on my cooking class the night before, and I do not wish to disappoint. Tonight was meats. We spent the first...


I am so happy right now. Warner Brothers is producing a fourth installment of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movies, with a release date set at 3/30/07 (we have to wait that long??). This...

Just Doing My Part for the Paparazzi

They’re filming something on Pershing, in the northbound lane just north of Imperial Ave in PDR. There’s a silver SUV and a dark-haired girl. They have the cops out en masse to...

Red Snapper in Thai Green Curry with Rice

Now that we have the Lance Bass Madness out of the way, we can get to the really important thing that happened today: my second day of cooking class. Today was fish and herbs. We started by...

Ryanis: Back On!

Never content to leave the boundaries of your reality unmolested, Alanis Morrisette and Ryan Reynolds are still groping one another in public places. It’s really too much for me to...

This is probably the greatest website I’ve seen in awhile. It’s like mySpace for goths. My first instinct was to point and laugh, and I spent some time clicking through all the...

My (Virtual) Plane Ride

Those of you who know me well understand that I am terrified of flying. Those of you who have actually flown with me understand it at an even deeper level, because in my drugged-up drunken...

Matthew McConaughey Loves Himself

I’d feel bad for him, except, really, dude, there are less public places for a blog darling to do his yoga. So instead I just kind of wish I’d thought to do this first.