Today's Evil Beet Gossip


Random Rant: Misogyny at LAX

This has nothing to do with celebrities, celebutantes or gossip, so if you can’t handle some off-topic ranting, please avert your eyes. Anyone who knows me knows I’m pretty far...

Busy Busy Go Go

I’m out and about and on airplanes today, so posting will be slow for the rest of the afternoon/evening, but I promise to come back and catch you up tonight, my loves. You know what...


Guys guys guys guys guys!!!! You know what premieres tonight???? Survivor: Racism!!! It is all the rage!!! It’s on CBS guys!!! Check your local listings guys!!! What on Earth will...

The Words Outta My Mouth

Ah ha ha ha! So it turns out Bob Guiney, from The Bachelor, somehow managed to parlay his reality TV gig into an ill-advised recording contract. I know this because a sample of the...

Hey MTV, You Missed One

Someone at MTV’s in trouble. I just listened to Fergie sing “I don’t give a fuck so here we go” on the MTV VMA’s Red Carpet Pre-Show. They caught the first...