Today's Evil Beet Gossip


New York Trying to Make People Less Fat

New York City is on the cusp of banning the use of trans fats in all of its eateries. By mid 2008 many restaurants will not only have to ban the use of these heart-clogging fats, but also...

Laura Bennett Pops Out that Kid

Laura Bennett, who totally should have won last season’s Project Runway, gave birth last Friday morning to the kiddo she’d been carrying throughout filming. The boy, Finn, is...

Afternoon Delight

The TomKat honeymoon gets rained out. Where’s your Xenu now? [A Socialite’s Life] Ever-relentless in her quest to actually become a Valley of the Dolls character, Lindsay Lohan...

You’re in New York. Go in Style.

Beet readers and those fascinated by Britney Spear’s vagina if you are in New York in the next few weeks and find yourself needing to use the toilet have no fear. Charmin has set up...

Fashion Victim of the Week

Karen and Gaston Nogues from the Skin + Bones Opening Night Party at MOCA ladies and gentlemen. Karen, honey, animal prints are in but we ask you to do them in a tasteful way not wear them...

Blind Item! A New Lip-Syncing Scandal???

Yay!!! The lawyer who writes the Crazy Days and Nights blog posted a sort of blind item today, implying that someone big in the music industry has been using an unknown singer’s...