ABC is retarded. I like the Geico Cavemen commercials…I find them really funny but I don’t know if there is enough funny for a half-hour sitcom once a week. The story goes that...
I honestly don’t even remember what show this kid was on anymore. Oz? Prison Break? Kids Incorporated? It was something. Anyway, he got drunk with a bunch of teenagers sometime in... Here I thought we just had an inexcusable dearth of drinking fountains in the United States, but it turns out there’s another possible explanation for all the... Timbaland wants to get Britney back on top of the music game and has evidently gotten Justin Timberlake on board to help him. Justin allegedly said he would work with Britney but... I know I’m the only thing even close to a comic book reader around here, Beet and T used to smoke outside the store I frequented and make fun of me. That’s part of the reason... Scojo has totally let the world know what she thinks of Lindsay Lohan in Parade Magazine. She doesn’t mention Lindsay outright but this quote leaves little to the imagination. Talking... Ok so maybe I’m just clueless or totally off-base but seriously…why is this girl famous? Kirsten Dunst is not only really pale but also has a so-so body, little boobs and... The Canadians are a bit bizarre sometimes. Now they have come up with a concept of “Green Sex.” You too can “get it on for the good of the planet” with a few helpful... Fox execs announced today that this will be The OC‘s last season.
“This feels like the best time to bring the show to its close,” says Josh Schwartz, the show’s... Las Vegas actress Nikki Cox tied the knot with comedian Jay Mohr over the weekend. Remember when she was the Kelly Bundy character on that show with the talking bunny? Yeah. That was pretty... Oh boy!
The refrain on this one, about 90 seconds in, is Brill and also the mostest.
Prepare to be hooked you poor bastard.
Also, all the celebs seem to be holed up in their... Listen to this little bastard sing my personal favorite “Levon.”
Yeah buddy.Lane Garrison Charged with Manslaughter
Late-Night Links
Timba! Timber! to the Rescue
Captain America Bites It
Oh Snap!
I Just Don’t Get It
Green Sex
Closing the Orange Curtain
This Week in Nik(k)i Weddings
Peter Bjorn and John
Let’s Wrap This Christmas Up