Today's Evil Beet Gossip


Late-Night Links

Do you know what’s sad? I can tell you with a great degree of confidence that this latest picture of Lindsay Lohan’s lady-flower is not Photoshopped. How, you ask, can I be so...

Bill Murray…Yes, he is still alive.

I don’t know if people care about Bill Murray anymore. If you do care I just saw him in Tony D’Napoli in New York. Here are four interesting observations. 1) He looks really old...

Today in Cute

My computer just bit the big one so the T is out of order till tomorrow. In meantime, enjoy Knut the polar bear. Who names a polar bear cub Knut? Oh ya, the Germans. For more about this...

Late-Night Links

I’m headed out of town for the next few days, so posting from me will be at a minimum. I plan to still do links, though, and Lars and T will be around to keep you laughing. And, never...

Late-Night Links

Ryan Phillippe throws a hamburger at photogs, because everything’s totally fine. [Celebslam, photos] Kirsten Dunst takes a break from chain-smoking to suck face with the lead singer...

Blades of Glory Contest Winners!

We want to offer a hearty thank-you to everyone who participated in our Blades of Glory contest on Wednesday. Normally, the majority of our correspondence from Evil Beet readers is hate...

Fashion Victim of the Week

Mary Mary quite contrary what have you done with your hair. When you are fierce like Mary J you really shouldn’t be pulling off the same look as a little schoolboy. The hair is bad...

Regis is Ok!

I love Regis and Kelly. I was very sad to hear that 75 year-old Regis, who is quite healthy for his age, was having heart bypass surgery. Kelly announced yesterday that Regis is doing well...

Kate Looking Great

Kate Bosworth with her dog on the set of her new movie “21” is looking adorable. She is still a bit thin but after seeing pictures of her last year during the...

Sinbad: Still Not Dead

It’s been over a month since we’ve seen a real “celebrity” death, so it’s about time we start inventing one. Enter Wikipedia, former home of extinct elephants...


This has nothing to do with celebrity gossip and honestly I don’t even want to know how my friend stumbled across this, but she sent me this link tonight and I laughed for like 18...