Today's Evil Beet Gossip


Sex and the City Movie: It’s On!!!

Hooray!!! It only took like a billion years, but apparently the cast of Sex & the City — including Kim Cattrall — have all signed on to do the Sex & the City film. All...

American Idol Romance?

Evidently Chris Richardson (Justin Timblerlake) and Alaina Alexander (the hot one that got booted right away) have been having a little “American Idol” relationship. Sources...

Fashion Victim of the Week

Today we have a few young ladies as our victims. They all have the same issue and it is called “clothes that make you look fat.” I understand that the drapey look is in now but...

Our Readers Rock

I maintain this website for a variety of reasons, but one of them is that, no matter how bummed out I am at any point in time, something related to this site always manages to cheer me up...

Late-Night Links

Tom Cruise is keeping a close eye on his bride. [Cele|bitchy] Everyone hates Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt. Meanwhile, Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt are just happy you know their names...

Details on Grey’s Anatomy Spin-Off

While she made the very best efforts to keep the details of the Grey’s Anatomy spin-off quiet, Shonda Rhimes should know by now that no one on her set can keep their mouth shut about...


I do a better Kermit impression than this, but it’s still pretty freaky stuff. Enjoy Kermit singing Johnny Cash’s “Hurt”

Late-Night Links

Rose McGowan doesn’t want anyone else showing up at prom in the same color dress as hers. [SOW] Eva Longoria’s man candy Tony Parker ventures from the NBA into the rap world...


I used to love Abercrombie when I was in high school and I’m sure you did too. To be perfectly honest the day I couldn’t fit into my Abercrombie denim shorts was a sad day for...