I am a big fan of gay marriage. I honestly think that if two people want to commit to each other they should be able to have a wedding. Dinsey is now allowing anyone and everyone to get...
Is it weird that this turns me on?
Seriously, get your Easter Candy on this weekend. Totally the best candy season ever. For information on what kind of damage this will do to your diet... Howie Day’s publicist turns a tragically under-publicized stint in rehab into a smooth ride on the Britney Spears Vagina Train. Next stop: your pop culture radar. [Celebslam]
Joe... I finally have Internet in my new apartment! Hooray!!! On a related note: FUCK TIME WARNER. Okay? FUCK YOU, TIME WARNER. It feels good to get that out. So things should be settling down to... Tanya Cooley from the “Real World”/every stupid other mutation of that mess has ventured into the world of soft core porn. Wow Tanya, that is classy. Her movie is called... A judge in New Jersey ruled today that those gigantic machines used to smooth out ice rinks are not motor vehicles and therefore one can operate them while intoxicated without being in... A sixteen-year marriage and five children are no match for Rose McGowan. [A Socialite’s Life]
Jesus loves Scott Stapp so much He’s not letting anyone distribute the sex tape he... I am all for getting plastic surgery on your body. Get some boobs! Lift your butt! Lipo lipo lipo. Ladies, however, stay away from messing with your face.
Lip injections, too much botox... Late-night links will be back eventually, I promise. But it’s gonna be weird like this until I have a functioning Internet connection at home. Don’t get me started.
Kim Stewart... Okay, okay, Details. You win. I’ll run it. This is pretty funny. Although I genuinely hate to be plugging The Bachelor. Don’t watch that show, people. Just don’t... I know I’m supposed to be on the gossip beat around here (and there’s some mind-numbing crap going on with Larry Birkhead and his ex-attorney and HKS and those pesky DNA tests... LISTEN UP MOTHERFUCKERS … It has been an awful week and an even worse weekend, and I’m sorry nothing got posted this weekend because mostly I was trying not to shoot myself in...Candy vs. Porn
Late-Night Links
Late-Night Links/Hallelujah!!
Tanya from the Real World…in Soft Core Porn?
Someone Get Paris Hilton a Zamboni
Mid-Afternoon Links
What is Wrong With Her Face?
Mid-Afternoon Links
Gay or The Bachelor?
They’re Remaking Adventures in Babysitting!!!
Mid-Morning Links