Today's Evil Beet Gossip


The New Evil Beet Background

Congratulations to Beet reader Rachel, who sent in a picture of her adorable 21-month-old daughter, Isabella. This picture just puts a smile on my face, so it’s our new background...

I Will Be Watching The Real World Again

Damn you, MTV!!! DAMN YOU TO HELL!!! Just when I thought I’d finally outgrown The Real World, so proud of my newfound maturity and adulthood and ability to casually bypass reality...

Late-Night Links

Justin’s back with Jessica Biel. [Warship] Not to be outdone, Scarlett’s banging Ryan Reynolds. [Evil Beet] Somewhere, Alanis Morissette and Cameron Diaz feel very, very old...

Hot Threesome

I have to say the amount of fabulous in this photo is awesome. I love Johnny Weir so much. Here he is with fellow gay icons Carson Kressley and Richie Rich. They were in NYC to support...

So Pretty!!!

Laura Bennett kicks it with Tim Gunn at the NYC Open Call for ProjRun. Hopefully it went better than the one in Los Angeles …

Dancing With the Stars

So my parents have decided not to enjoy the beauty that is DVR, and have yet to fix their one working VCR so I sadly missed the show last night due to the Arizona Diamondbacks Opening...

Late-Night Links

Liz Hurley’s newly minted father-in-law hates her. [Cele|bitchy] Entourage is back! Hooray! To celebrate, here’s Emmanuelle Chriqui’s nipple! [Jordan is Your...

Late-Night Links

Kirsten Dunst’s new boyfriend dumps her and goes back to the girl he dumped for her in the first place. The way you get a man, Kirsten, is the way you’re going to lose him...

Fashion Victim of the Week

Paula Abdul’s stylist must hate her. First we have the faux tuxedo/dickie thing. Then we have the big ole belt buckle. Add a shrug and you have a completely bizzare outfit. I just...