Who are Katie Price (aka Jordan) and Peter Andre? They are “stars” in the UK who have decided to bring their reality show to the US. While living in London I saw how obsessive...
Apolo Anton Ohno and Julianne Hough are the cutest couple ever. I know that they are just a couple on “Dancing With the Stars” but they have the most chemistry of any pair on... Penny Marshall what happened to you? There is something about the combo of fake tan, wierd necklaces and big black tablecloth that you are wearing that freaks me out. I know that you are a... Drew Lachey. Nick Lachey. Lisa Rinna. Cris Judd. Our background image for this weekend is Miss Cocorico, the adorable kitty of Beet reader Anita. Her name, apparently, is the sound a rooster makes in French, which, frankly, makes way more... Remember how no one showed up to the first round of Project Runway auditions in LA? The production company figures, I suppose, that is was just a bad weekend for designers? Maybe it rained... It hurts. Oh, God, it hurts so bad. I feel like I’m limping, crawling, dragging myself toward the mythical Anna Nicole Finish Line, and every time it’s in sight I blink, and it... Justin Timberlake admits that he did call Britney, because he was worried about her, and because he’s never done it with a bald chick before. [MM]
Jessica Simpson’s camel toe... I don’t know why someone decided to support by Don Imus by making a teddy bear that says “Nappy Headed Ho.” It is 17.99 and advertised as…
“Our plush bear is... David Cassidy, the Partridge Family former teen idol, has come out criticizing today’s teen stars. In an interview with People Magazine David has come up with a brilliant phrase to... The new background is Good Golly Miss Dolly, the 9-month-old miniature piebald Dachshund belonging to Beet reader Crissy. Thank you to all of you who have sent in background images —... Donna Hogan explains why she’s selling a tell-all about her sister, Anna Nicole, before the body’s even cold. [The Blemish]
Eighty-seven years ago, when Willa Ford sang “I...I Really Hope They are Dating
Fashion Victim of the Week
I Don’t Have a Caption for This
There’s a New Cat in Town
ProjRun is Totally Willing to Lower Their Standards
Can We Please Be Done with Anna Nicole Soon?
Late-Night Links
This is Wrong
David Cassidy Doesn’t Love Paris Hilton
New Background
Late-Night Links