Anna Nicole’s mother was having sex with her step-brother. Someone, quick, give that woman a small baby to take care of. [A Socialite’s Life]
If you’ve begun collecting... I really like this song… and the video is cool too. And because it’s Thursday I think you need some music to pep you up.
I present to you: Jason Schwartzman’s “West... I am actually very excited for the “Hairspray” movie. It is an odd situation that they are making a movie from a musical that was based on a movie but letting that go it is a... Newsflash!– Rachel Zoe still on drugs…needs a sandwich. I hate Joan Rivers with an absolute passion. She’s just worthless. She doesn’t ever watch the films that the stars are in, she makes pointless comments, she gets tons of money... The cute-patootie (sp?) on our background is Allyson, the 2-year-old daughter of Beet reader Leslie. Everyone say hello to Allyson. If you’d like to submit a photo or image for use on... Angelina Jolie willingly lost her virginity at fourteen, then promptly got a knife and cut the guy she’d slept with. I believe — correct me if I’m wrong — that... Interesting story coming out of the UK today, I guess the Kate/William split is upsetting more people than we first thought. A group of women who are Kate Middleton lookalikes sat down to... So now some guy has come forward saying that he had a homosexual affair with Larry Birkhead (otherwise known as Anna Nicole’s baby daddy). I guess he plays on both teams which the... Check out this dress. If you look closely you’ll see people hanging from poles.
Mexico City (AP) The floor-length dress is accented with crosses, scapulars and a sketch of a man... African school children protect Madonna from journalists. [DListed]
Keeley Hazell gets naked for FHM, you. [Anything Hollywood]
Brad Pitt thinks Angelina Jolie is “supergirl.”...Late-Night Links
Music For Your Thursday
Hairspray Trailer!
Feed Me
Joan Rivers Should Die Soon
New Background
Late-Night Links
Kate Lookalikes Out of a Job
Larry Birkhead Likes Boys Too!
Finally, Someone Who GETS Pageants
Late-Night Links