Today's Evil Beet Gossip


Late-Night Links

For $5M, Kim Kardashian is totally okay with you watching her sex tape. That’s impressive, Kim. I probably would have sold out somewhere around $500K. Then again, I’m kind of...

Golf is Like Hyde for Old People

The 9th Annual Michael Douglas & Friends Celebrity Golf Event this weekend at Trump National Golf Club in Ranchos Palos Verdes brought out a veritable who’s-who of 1995. Douglas...

Late-Night Links

Alyson Hannigan rocks the bikini. [Drunken Stepfather] Check out video clips from Gwen Stefani performing in LA. [popbytes] Tracey Morgan has to wear an alcohol-detecting ankle bracelet for...

Quote of the Day

Joss Stone thinks that maybe Britney just wanted a little airing out. We shouldn’t be mad at Britney Spears because she didn’t wear underwear. That’s her choice. She...

Fashion Victim of the Week

Julian Schnabel at the Breakthrough 2007- NFAA youngARTs Event shows us why old dudes shouldn’t try to be hip. From the waist up I am not thrilled with the outfit but it isn’t...

Evidently There is a Penis Fish

Want to know if the Penis Fish on “Grey’s Anatomy” really exists? Here is some information from your resident internet whore…the T. ‎The candirú or canero...

She’s an Ugly Dude

Or is he an ugly chick? I’m a bit confused. Alexis Arquette is seen here at the “She’s My Brother” film premiere. He/She looks a big haggard. Def more Lindsay Lohan...

New York Trash

So last week I was going to the gym and I saw these little notes (on card stock paper mind you) taped up and down my hallway. They also were printed in various fonts, BOLD, and varying...