Today's Evil Beet Gossip


Links Comin’ Atcha Early Today

Because I’m just fuckin’ on top of it today. I’m sure David Beckham was super excited that his birthday party was basically a Spice Girls reunion. [Cele|bitchy] Look...

Late-Night Links

In the oh-so-capable hands of Sarah Silverman, even beastiality is funny. [popbytes] Celeb bikini watch brings us Vanessa Anne Hudgens today. We’ve got a whole summer of this ahead of...

Late-Night Links

Lindsay Lohan is just so damn sober she’s taken her shirt off and is dancing on tables with Paris Hilton at 4:30 in the morning to celebrate! Yay sobriety! [The Bosh] Debra Messing...

Best. Purse Puppy. Ever.

We love hot bitches here at the Beet. Here is the newest canine celebrity Tiny Dancer. He is 11 months old, 18-ounches and 4-inches tall which makes him quite little. When he is 1 year-old...

An Evil Beet Shout-Out

Just wanted to send a quick shout-out to the fabulous Evil T for sending me the world’s greatest birthday present. It just arrived in the mail today. Now, now, Mom, I loved the...

Looking Great Kate!

I am a little obsessed with Kate Bosworth. I got very upset last year when she got shockingly thin because she is a lovely girl. Of the young actress set she is very talented and it seems...