Today's Evil Beet Gossip


Speaking of Ann Coulter

Not only does her hair look good. She is DEFENDING Paris Hilton. I fly a little right of the radar, on the record I think she is a bit batty, but it is shocking that she would defend the...


A little update to “So You Think You Can Dance” fans. Here are the Top 20 names and a picture of all the kids celebrating! Anya, Cedric, Ashlee, Danny, Faina, Dominic, Jamie...

So You Think You Can Dance: Top 20

Now comes the interesting part…the Top 20 Dancers. Last night we had the crazy Vegas week of Callbacks. There wasn’t a lot of drama save a lot of contestants getting eliminated...

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No Doubt is headed into the studio next month to record their first album in six years and to give this planet a much-needed injection of Gwen Stefani’s unique brand of lyrical...

On the Lot Perhaps Moving Off

Despite enviably having the American Idol finale lead-in for its premiere, Fox’s On the Lot is averaging a mere 3.1 million viewers in its ever-changing time slot. I know my buddy MK...

Guess Who Winner!

I waited a while for this…partially because of the random responses. Seriously. Doris Roberts and Ray Romano??? The winner of our guessing game. Which married actress in a hit...

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Lindsay Lohan’s mom lied about being a Rockette. For shame! [Cele|bitchy] Cameron Diaz’s new boyfriend, magician Criss Angel, drops 40 feet in a closed box for a stunt in NYC...