Today's Evil Beet Gossip


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Sorry links are so late today. I was busy all day studying for and taking my very last final of graduate school. Somebody give me a motherfucking cookie. Or, you know, a job. A job would be...

Blind Item!

Which 17-year-old TV hellion has taken to boozing extra hard in NYC clubs now that a Los Angeles crackdown on underage drinking means she can’t get through the door in...

Guess Jew

If you’re anything like me, you need a good laugh to dissolve the intense, intense anger you’re feeling after watching the final episode of The Sopranos. I won’t give away...

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Alicia Silverstone has animals, so who needs a career? [Agent Bedhead] Julia Roberts is very pregnant. [Gabby Babble] Emily Scott is hot and in lingerie. [F&C] No amount of cocaine can...

Paris Hilton Won’t Pee

According to The Daily News, one of the reasons Paris was getting so sick at Lynwood was that she refused to eat or drink for three days, because she didn’t want to have to pee in her...

Speaking of Ann Coulter

Not only does her hair look good. She is DEFENDING Paris Hilton. I fly a little right of the radar, on the record I think she is a bit batty, but it is shocking that she would defend the...


A little update to “So You Think You Can Dance” fans. Here are the Top 20 names and a picture of all the kids celebrating! Anya, Cedric, Ashlee, Danny, Faina, Dominic, Jamie...