A commenter mentioned the other day that she liked it when I was running pictures of cute animals during the Anna Nicole Aftermath, so here are cute kittens with the links. Oprah’s...
Shanna and Travis are over … again. [Cele|bitchy]
Brandon Davis’s parents are all like, “Um, yeah, so, we’re not going to finance the destruction of our family name... They’re married! That right folks, this weekend Rebecca Romijn and Jerry O’Connell just got their matrimony on. Romijn best known for hitting it (and quitting it) with that guy... Um, top 10 celebrity boobs, brought to you by a couple of gay dudes. And, predictably, they are perfect. [LA Rag Mag]
Kevin Federline’s dating a DJ, so I guess he found someone whose... Amy Winehouse’s Back to Black has officially gone platinum. Amy, on the other hand, has officially gone batshit. [Bree]
Paris Hilton is wearing a shirt with her own face on it. They... You all seemed very interested in yesterday’s videos of Sicko director Michael Moore, and CNN aired the second part of that interview today. So here’s the video for those of you... The Hills is coming back, kids, and I can’t wait!!!
The trailer premiered tonight, and it looks like season three has everything:
Lauren, still with headbands and adorable facial... Alessandra Ambrosio’s making out with the same dude she was with on the fourth of July. He’s still shorter than her, and, yet, he’s still not you. [Celebslam]
The dangers... Okay, am I the only person who never thought Jason Priestley was all that hot? I’m sorry, but Brandon Walsh never did anything for me. I was always a Dylan McKay girl, through and... Just because I don’t care about Live Earth doesn’t mean you can’t. Here are all the links you need. [Bree]
Actually, I lied. Popbytes has the YouTube videos of all... Not only are TMZ’s photogs filming rats outside of Koi, TMZ is then running a story about said rats.
It is such a boring day.
Did anything interesting happen to you guys... Sounds like Paris Hilton was sluttin’ it up in Hawaii. Changed indeed. [POTP]
Jenny McCarthy and Jim Carrey hit the beach. [Drunken Stepfather]
Hells yeah! Matt Damon and Ben Affleck...Links Links Links
Almost Famous Rebecca Romijn Bangs Sort of Famous Guys
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Michael Moore vs. CNN: Round Two
The Hills Season 3 Trailer: Heidi Knows What She Did
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Jason Priestley’s a Daddy!
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You Know It’s a Slow News Day When …
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