Which married Oscar winner has a reputation for throwing orgies in Los Angeles where the girls are grossed out by his unappetizing sexual tastes? [source]
For those of you who missed it. I’m telling you, I can’t keep up with this new Nickelodeon generation. I think I need to adopt pre-teens just so that they’ll keep me abreast of the goings-on in this... Check out the trailer for the new Johnny Depp film, Sweeney Todd. I weighed in on this when the project was first announced last year. Can they pull it off? [ This one’ll probably get pulled soon, too, but enjoy it while it lasts. Soooooo lame.
The only saving grace was Chris Brown’s performance. That shit rocked. Everything else was so stupid.
Memo to MTV: don’t ever, ever host a live performance in Las... Is this my cable box, or is everything just totally fucked up at the VMAs????? The audio is going in and out.
I wonder if everything is just all messed up over there, and that’s why... Where were all the illusions? Where was all the shocking stuff? What was supposed to be special about this?
A source out here in NYC tells me she missed almost every single... Yes!!!!
What the fuck happened, Brit??? It was like you didn’t even care up there... I am soooooo psyched!!!
I’ll be kinda-sorta live-blogging. And through an amazing series of events, I have most of my best girlfriends from high school in my apartment for the... I have to say thanks first and foremost to the random ladies who got me and my friend into the afterparty for Fashion Rocks. For some odd reason I ended up dancing next to Cuba Gooding... Don your uniforms. Set your phasers to stun. And chart a course at Warp 6 to …
The Office convention?
I guess this stuff isn’t for Star Trek nerds anymore.
The Office is...Sarah Silverman’s VMA Monologue
Who the Hell is Drake Bell? And Why Did Vanessa...
Links Links Links
Another Video of Brit at the VMAs
Okay, How Lame Were the VMAs This Year?
Is Anyone Else Having Audio Difficulties with the VMAs?
What the Hell Happened with Britney?
Britney Spears’ VMA Performance Was SHOCKING!!!
Is Everybody Ready for the VMAs?????
Fashion Rocks
The Office Convention?