Today's Evil Beet Gossip


When I’m Right, I’m Right

So we’re leaving Shag in Hollywood last night, due to the tragic lack of hot men there that night, and we’re waiting for the valet to bring our car around, when I spot this dude...

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David Copperfield’s being investigated for raping a woman in the Bahamas. Too bad he didn’t think to make her disappear once he was done. (I know, I know. Easy joke. Sorry. Rape...

Blind Item!

Which larger-than-life TV personality, who is all confidence on camera, is known to sob that nobody likes her as she downs her breakfast of Snickers bars? [source]

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Jesus Christ, Donald Trump’s granddaughter has a comb-over. [Celebrity Baby Scoop] Check out my take on last night’s episode of Gossip Girl. [] Uh, didn’t Lucy...

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Posh gets a little nipply. [Ayyyy!] What’s left of Jenna Jameson walks the runway for Heatherette. [Fatback and Collards] Eva Mendes does Maxim. [Jordan] David Hasselhoff’s...

Project Runway: Canada!

If you Ca(nada)n’t wait for the next season of Project Runway in the U.S., check out some clips from the currently airing Project Runway Canada.

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Megan Fox: still super hot. [FListed] Anyone who can turn “Panettiere” into “Panty-Wearer” deserves a link. [Ninja Dude] Who’s Christina Ricci’s new man...