Today's Evil Beet Gossip


Johnny Depp Singing!

Johnny Depp’s Sweeney Todd Studio Sessions He’s actually not half-bad. Here’s some video of Mr. Depp recording the singing for the feel-good cannibalism film of the...

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Kim Kardashian says her mom pushed her to do Playboy. [FListed] Read all about Kelly Clarkson’s LA show. [popbytes] Faith Hill does the Today Show. [INO] The stupid twist on The...

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Naomi Campbell’s not too sober to show off her butt cheeks. [Bossip] Nicole Kidman goes to court. [Mollygood] Kristen Bell plays with her puppy. Cuuuuuuute. [INO] Jessica...

Blind Item!

WHICH leading man has aged a bit since his last major starring role – and so, in an effort to freshen up, got a dye job and an eye lift? Studio execs on the sure-to-be-blockbuster...

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Jennifer Aniston and Jason Lewis? Nooooo. Jason Lewis is miiiiiiiiiine!!!!! [FListed] Leelee Sobieski has some movie coming out, so she’s talking about something. [Mollygood] Hey, you...

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Christina Aguilera is just not one of those women who looks great pregnant. [Derek Hail] Kelly Ripa has an outtie. [popbytes] Is Brit-Brit getting liposuction in Vegas? [INO] Shar...

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Matt Dillon shills for Skechers. [Agent Bedhead] Check out my take on last night’s episode of The Hills. [] The Donda West Death: let the finger-pointing begin! Yay...

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Shots from the Playboy 2008 calendar. [FListed] Elisabeth Hasselbeck has clearly named her child after the middle kid from Home Improvement. [DListed] Check out footage from...