Today's Evil Beet Gossip


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Shots from the Playboy 2008 calendar. [FListed] Elisabeth Hasselbeck has clearly named her child after the middle kid from Home Improvement. [DListed] Check out footage from...

POLL: What is a Chode?

I know this is random, but I saw “No Country for Old Men” with some friends tonight (weird movie, weird ending, but the psychopath was way cool) and on the way home we started...

Everyone’s Striking!

The Broadway stagehands went on strike on Saturday, shutting down more than two dozen plays and musicals. The stagehands and Broadway producers have been in negotiations for more than three...

Amy Winehouse is Doing Really Well

There’s really no better way to do this than to copy/paste an excerpt from the interview Blender magazine did with her. She sighs and plops down on the couch. She lights a cigarette...

“We Write the Story-a, Eva Longoria”

Remember how I was complaining about how the WGA picketers weren’t being particularly creative? Oh, I spoke too soon. The best and brightest of our creative minds came up with...

I Am a Huge Blogger Dork

So I’m off to Las Vegas tomorrow for the Blog World Expo — the first blogging convention of its kind. Spare me the teasing — you won’t think up anything to say that...

Someone Named Rebecca DeMornay Got a DUI

It happened the night before Halloween. Cops pulled her over on some traffic violation, smelled alcohol, tested her, and booked her. Her blood alcohol level was 0.09, which is just above...