Did you miss the announcement of the winners? Watch it here! And check out Helio and Julianne’s final dance number.
The driver Britney Spears hired has quit, claiming that driving Britney is a liability.
Sorry posting was slow/non-existent today, guys. I’m really sick. Hopefully tomorrow things... I loooooooooove this kind of shit so much.
Someone put pepper spray in Ingrid Marie Rivera, a Miss Puerto Rico contestant’s, dress and make-up, causing her to break out in... This is so sad. I really love this band. I mean, it’s always sad when young people die, but it sucks extra when they’re a member of a totally kick-ass band you love.
Casey... You know who’s not adopting two six-year-old Chinese girls? That’s right. Britney Spears. [INO]
It’s kind of a miracle that Kylie Minogue can still smile. Not because of... WHICH Latina pop star’s boyfriend is said to have quickly approached a photo agency to buy up all the pictures of himself with an African-American hottie snapped at Tenjune?
[source] Check out this clip of bloopers from High School Musical 2. If you’re waiting for the one where Vanessa Hudgens accidentally takes all her clothes off and photographs herself in her... Mary Delgado, who was proposed to in 2004 by Byron Velvick on The Bachelor, was taken into custody in Florida just after midnight Wednesday on a battery charge and was under the influence... It’s burning.
Buy in Beverly Hills, rich people. Rent in Malibu. For those of you who are Americans: Happy Thanksgiving!
For those of you who are not Americans: Happy November 22, and have fun at work, suckers!
I’ll be around on and off today, but... The fantasy is over, girls.
Not only is Joey McIntyre — from NKOTB — married, but he’s not even fair homewrecking game anymore, as the couple just had a little baby on... So I’m home for the holidays, and I’m hanging out with my Mom, whining to her about how it’s a slow news day and there aren’t any stories and I don’t feel like...Britney’s New Driver Quits!
Beauty Queen DRAMA! Miss Puerto Rico’s Dress...
Hawthorne Heights Guitarist Dies
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Blind Item!
If You Care
Domestic Violence with “Bachelor” Couple
Why Does Anyone Live in Malibu?
There’s a New Kid on the Block!
Things I Am Grateful for This Thanksgiving