Today's Evil Beet Gossip


Tonight Show Lays of Non-Writing Staff

The strike’s hitting hard, kids. The Tonight Show laid off its nonwriting staff today. These are the people who don’t make anywhere near as much as the writers: these are the...

This Can’t End Well

Benicio del Toro and Mickey Rourke are partying together in Miami. I predict underage girls. Lots and lots of underage girls.

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The Spice Girls tour kicks off this weekend. [Cele|bitchy] Britney Spears went to a bookstore … to get coffee. [DListed] Even more proof that John Travolta’s gay. [Celebrity...

Not-So-Blind Item

Which pop star – known more for the rocker she’s dating than her own vocal skills – has visited the ER several times after partying too hard on her BF’s...

Broadway Strike Ends, WGA Still Striking

The stagehands are back to work! Which is great for the handful of people who want to see Broadway shows this holiday season, but is totally unrelated to the writers’ strike impacting...

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Former Britney paramour J.R. Rotem is, inexplicably, still talking. [Mollygood] Let the Lindsay’s-drinking-again rumors begin! [FListed] Daisy Fuentes is 41 years old and still in a...

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Brooke Burke in Ralph magazine. [Derek Hail] Details magazine thinks Kevin Federline is influential. [Ninja Dude] Did Miss Puerto Rico invent that whole pepper spray scandal? [Holy...