Alessandra Ambrosio rocks the cover of Brazilian Rolling Stone. [FListed] Reese Witherspoon takes her kiddos ice skating in Culver City. [INO] Yup, Dannielynn Hope Marshall Etc is...
It started at 9:30 am PST.
Britney is not there.
We’ll keep you posted. Kevin just showed up.
We’re waiting on Britney … This video has been making the rounds, and folks are claiming its female star is Tiffany Pollard (aka “New York”) from I Love New York.
Video is after the jump. It is TOTALLY... Bachelorette Trista Rehn mugs for the cameras with her hubby, Ryan Sutter, and their five-month-old son Maxwell.
They actually are pretty cute. I’m glad there’s at least... You know what would make up for the fact that I’ll probably never win an Oscar?
I would love you guys forever — okay, I’ll love you guys forever... Best. Show. Ever.
The fifth and final season is just getting started, and someone was kind enough to put together this four-minute clip summarizing the first four seasons. Watch the clip... Jesus.
Pammy’s preggers, supposedly with the baby of Rick Salomon, her third husband, who she’s divorcing after only a couple months of marriage.
Shit, Pamela, aren’t you... Okay I’m about to begin the long, dehydrated, boring, desert-y drive home from Las Vegas.
Check in with you guys in a few hours.
Beet Check out the Spears family spokesperson, talking shit about Dr. Phil. The Golden Globes have been canceled, as a direct result of the WGA strike.
Sad! Amy Winehouse is one classy lady. You can tell because of the mesh. [Celebslam]
The L Word is coming back! [popbytes]
Hey, Ellen Barkin, time to see that plastic surgeon again...The Hearing Is Underway
Kevin Federline is at the Custody Hearing
Is This the New York Sex Tape?
One Happy Family
Hey, You Guys, You Should Totally Nominate Me for the...
Seriously, Though, You Should Be Watching The Wire
Pamela Anderson Is Pregnant and Posting Will Be Back...
Leaving Las Vegas Today, Leaving Las Vegaaaaaaaaaaas
In Case You Missed It
Golden Globes Canceled!
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