First off, a huge shout-out to Lars and T for holding down the fort while I was away on vacation. But I’m back now, and I’m better than ever, baby!!! A few items of business: 1)...
EvilT may be done with y’all but I still gots a few posts left in me.
I come this evening to deliver a message from on high; like a whisper on the wind the day we’ve all hoped... Thanks for letting me step in and mildly entertain you this week. I missed all of you. Thankfully staying away from Justin Guarini means you stay away from hate mail…
So in hopes that... This is the worst TV show ever. It can’t get lower than this. Enjoy the absolute nadir of our culture:
Fox Reality presents: Battle of the Bods! Via my favorite thing to do when I am at temping…YouTube… the trailer for “Get Smart.”
I have to say I am excited for this movie. I used to watch the TV show on Nick... Here are the new Bond girls for “Quantum of Solace” Olga Kurylenko and Gemma Arterton. They are following in the footsteps of some stunners (I take out Denise... I’m going on the record as saying they are going to settle this thing… pronto.
I’ve gotten pretty good at predicting stuff around here and I think everyone wants The... I am a huge fan of really when the going gets tough I like to look at cute little animals in funny positions. I happen to have the cutest dog alive but sometimes when I try... How are you? My name is Spiteful Lars. I’m hoping we can be friends.
I used to blog here quite often, back in the day, I think I even had like one person who liked my work. It was... So, kids, something very, very strange is about to happen around here. Something that has never, ever happened in the entire history of this site:
I’m taking a vacation tomorrow. Not... Kiefer Sutherland was released from jail just after midnight on Monday, after serving his entire 48-day sentence, which stemmed from his arrest last year for his fourth DUI.
How long do... Paris and Christine Lakin (yes, you know her — she was “Al” on Step by Step) show up at TAO at Sundance to promote their new film, The Hottie and the Nottie.
If you...NKOTB Had a Bunch of Hits
And I Link Off
It’s Official
Get Smart Trailer
New Bond Girls Hot or Not?
Strike News
Creepy Overload
Hi There.
An Evil Beet First!
Kiefer’s a Free Man Again
It’s Nice to See Paris Hilton Actually Promoting...