Today's Evil Beet Gossip


Jimmy Kimmel is Fucking Ben Affleck

This is genius!!! To retaliate at girlfriend Sarah Silverman for her “I’m Fucking Matt Damon” video, Jimmy Kimmel has lined up an all-star cast (Cameron Diaz, Brad Pitt...

“Falling Slowly”

This song took home the Oscar, and I have to say I was absolutely taken with this little ditty when I saw the film. It’s so simple and beautiful. I just had to post it.

Oscar Coverage on Evil Beet

So, um, I know I’m basically like a factory of excuses these days, and I understand that the overwhelming majority of you hate me right now, but just as soon as my life and my posting...

New REM!

REM’s back with a new album, Accelerate. Here’s the video for the first single, “Supernatural Superserious.” Thoughts?

Cutest. Thing. Ever.

If you’re having a bad day — which seems to be every day for me lately — this small child’s rendition of “Hey, Jude” will put a smile on your face. You...

Britney Still Can’t See Those Kiddos

A court today decided that Britney Spears is still banned from seeing her kids. Also, Trope & Trope is finally out as Britney’s lawyer. Kevin actually wants Britney to have...