Today's Evil Beet Gossip


Let’s Talk About Butt Plugs

I know we normally just talk about celebrities on this blog, but this is so funny I just had to share. I was having dinner with a friend tonight, and we were like “What should we do...

It’s Good to Be a Hooker

We are all in the wrong line of work, folks. The real money is in being a high-priced hooker. That chick at the center of the Elliot Spitzer scandal, Ashley Alexandra Dupre, has been...

The 16th Minute

Does anyone watch The Real World anymore? I know I don’t, but is there an up-and-coming generation of Real World watchers? Or do those young ‘uns just watch Newport Harbor and...

Blind Items!

1) WHICH friendly actor recently fell off the wagon? Though he’s been in rehab several times, he was spotted stumbling out of a Hollywood hotel at 7 a.m. looking totally...

A Beverly Hills 90210 Remake?

The Hollywood Reporter is saying that the CW is looking into doing a contemporary spinoff of Beverly Hills, 90210. It’s not clear whether any of the original cast members will be...

Horton Hears a Lot More Than a Who

I’m sort of loathe to give any publicity to this nonsense, but whatever. A bunch of anti-abortion protesters hit up the premiere of Horton Hears a Who, to, ya know, protest abortion...


Organic girl dropped by last night For nothing in particular Except to tell me again how beautiful and serene she feels On uncooked vegetables and wheat germ fortified by bean...

Another Blind Item

This one even I can’t figure out, so I’m looking forward to your guesses: Which hit show that has everyone guessing about its closeted male star also has a female co-star who...

Blind Items!

1) Which actress went into rehab only after she suffered a miscarriage? She was on a four-day cocaine bender when she lost the baby she didn’t even know she was carrying. 2) Which...