Today's Evil Beet Gossip


In Case You Missed It

Check out Janet Jackson performing “Feedback” on Good Morning America. This is, like, the most boring song ever. The only good part comes at 2:30 when she sings the line...

When Oscars Happen to Good People

I have to say that I was a bit “eh” about the Oscars. I wasn’t alone as most people at my Oscars party simply either got drunk on wine or ate cookie cake. Nobody really...

Moment of Truth: The Cheating Bitch

Look, I don’t watch this show, but someone sent me this clip and I was glued. This show is like Jerry Springer but with more money. The people are no less trashy. Make no mistake...

Jimmy Kimmel is Fucking Ben Affleck

This is genius!!! To retaliate at girlfriend Sarah Silverman for her “I’m Fucking Matt Damon” video, Jimmy Kimmel has lined up an all-star cast (Cameron Diaz, Brad Pitt...

“Falling Slowly”

This song took home the Oscar, and I have to say I was absolutely taken with this little ditty when I saw the film. It’s so simple and beautiful. I just had to post it.

Oscar Coverage on Evil Beet

So, um, I know I’m basically like a factory of excuses these days, and I understand that the overwhelming majority of you hate me right now, but just as soon as my life and my posting...

New REM!

REM’s back with a new album, Accelerate. Here’s the video for the first single, “Supernatural Superserious.” Thoughts?