Today's Evil Beet Gossip


Work It, Girl!

Here’s Chloe Marshall, the size 16 Miss England contestant who’s been getting all sorts of attention lately, in the pageant’s bikini photo call. It’s a cute...


Thursday night’s episode of The Office paid tribute to Nathan Robinson, a 15-year-old high school student who died on March 14 of “flu-related complications” and was a...

Lede of the Week

From the Hollywood Reporter’s review of the Harold and Kumar sequel, Harold and Kumar: Escape from Guantanamo Bay: “Innumerable sharks lurk in the ocean between New Jersey and...

Guess the Celeb

You knew her well as a teenager, but she’s 23 now and rocking a much more adult look. Who’s this celeb? Jump in for the answer.

Charlie Is Toothless!

The conversation I had with the veterinarian today: Vet: Now, this breed is particularly prone to dental problems, so you’re going to want to keep a close eye on his teeth. Me: Okay...

Plugging Shit My Friends Do

One of my old pals from NYC — who also happens to be a very talented writer — launched a site called Postcards From Yo Momma. It’s emails and IM chats people have with...

Okay, I Love Lindsay Lohan Too

You know, when this girl’s high or drunk, she’s a fucking nightmare. But when she’s sober, she’s chill as all hell. I totally think we could be friends. Here’s...

Blind Item!

Which small-screen actress has been texting and fawning over and otherwise smothering her ’90s TV megastar boyfriend, just after her PR leaked the relationship to the press? At this...

Charlie! Charlie! Charlie!

First: I would like to sincerely thank all of you who left me advice about puppy ownership on my first post about Charlie. I read all of the comments — more than once — and I...