1) Which actress on a canceled show was “doing her body weight” in cocaine at a beachy magazine shoot over the weekend? 2) Which recently rehabbed rocker got clean through a...
Phil Stacey!!!
In case you haven’t seen it, here’s the video for American Idol almost-was Phil Stacey’s first single, “If You Didn’t Love Me.” I don’t know why...
That Chick At Yale Outsmarted Perez Hilton
I know, I know. Weird, right? Here at Evil Beet, we decided not to cover the story of Aliza Shvartz (Best. Name. Ever.), the Yale undergrad who claimed she impregnated herself and aborted...
Why I Am Not Doing American Idol Recaps This Season
I’ve gotten so many comments and emails about this that I figured I should just make a general announcement about it. I LOVED doing American Idol recaps. It was incredibly fun, and a...
Congratulations, Dear, You’re Almost Famous
MTV Music Videos MTV Shows Entertainment News Meet Kimberly, who’ll be appearing on the upcoming season of The Real World, in Hollywood. (I thought they were done with that show?)...
I’m At Work!
Most people think of working from home as living the dream. And this may be true, if you have small children, or an ailing parent, or a porn addiction. I have none of those things, and have...
Would You Wear This Shirt?
It’s been on sale for a week, and it’s causing quite the controversy. Personally, I think it’s ridiculous and unnecessary. And this is coming from someone who calls...
Jane’s Addiction to Reunite for One Show
Okay, so, I don’t really care about the band Jane’s Addiction, but, when I saw this article, I couldn’t help thinking of another Jane’s Addiction. I wasn’t...
Is This For Real??
Uh, so, to deal with the PR crisis that came as a result of them canceling 3,300 flights last week, American Airlines has done — as Gawker puts it — “what any $2 billion...
Plugging Shit My Friends Do: Mind Over Matter (M.O.M.)...
On May 1, 2005, my dear friend Trisha lost her amazing, loving mother after a difficult three-year battle with mental illness. Since then, Trisha and her siblings have hosted an annual...
Ahhhhhhhhh ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! I ::heart:: my readers! So I mentioned earlier that I like my men in firefighter uniforms. And I got an email today from a reader. The text said: I just...
It’s DUI Time!
Up now: Carmelo Anthony, the 23-year-old Denver Nuggets star. Carmelo was arrested on suspicion of DUI around 4 am on Monday morning, for weaving and driving with his high-beams on. He...