Today's Evil Beet Gossip


Jamie-Lynn Sigler Is Single

Not that anyone except Ashley Olsen cares, but Jamie-Lynn and her beau of two years, Scott Sartiano, have split. “They are currently split up as they’re living on different...

The Alex McCord Naked Photos

Um, yeah. So: 1) I don’t give a shit about Desperate Housewives of NYC. 2) SplashNews already kind of hates me for consistently stealing their “exclusives.” When I do it...

I Want Ice Cream, Too

Here’s Victoria Beckham and her sons, Romeo and Cruz, getting some ice cream at The Grove. Mmmm, ice cream sounds really yummy right now. You guys wanna know what I ate today? Okay...


“We quickly moved in together and played house. It was idyllic. I was so selfish. I liked to drink, and I had a drug problem, and that didn’t jibe with Sarah Jessica, because it...

OJ Simpson To Do Celebrity Apprentice?

Ugh. Page Six is reporting today that OJ Simpson has asked Donald Trump if he could do the next season of Celebrity Apprentice. “Simpson really wants to do it. Trump and NBC are...


Here’s little Zoe Kravitz looking cute as a button at the Tribeca Film Festival. She’s gonna be so much trouble in a year or two. I’m so excited.

More of This ScoJo Mess

For those of you who are willing to exist in the same reality where Scarlett Johansson records an entire album of Tom Waits covers, we now have six of the album’s tracks streaming...