Today's Evil Beet Gossip


Whitney and Ray J: Back On?

Despite persistent rumors of a split, the two were spotted in Vegas together at the Bernard Hopkins-Joe Calzaghe fight, and later they hung out at the roulette tables together. They flew...

Your Daily Paris

I guess she’s back in LA now. After her whirlwind international tour with Benji Madden, Paris Hilton was spotted outside a tanning salon in LA on Monday. She certainly looks very...

Being Sarah Marshall

It’s funny; a few weeks ago, I was driving around LA and saw one of those billboards that says “My Mother Always Hated You, Sarah Marshall” and I thought to myself...

I Am a 10-Year-Old Boy

Above, find cast members at the Berlin red carpet premiere of a German-language film called Urmel voll in Fahrt. I laughed for like ten minutes. I’m still giggling as I write this...

Happy Passover, Yo

I’m going to spend the weekend doing Jew stuff. Chag sameach! Check in with you guys later. xoxo, Beet

I Love My New Office

Do you know what they have at the RealNetworks offices? Like twenty feet from my desk? Two vending machines, but everything in them is FREE! That’s right, you just press the button...

Homophobia Is Bad, Mmkay?

Here’s Lance Bass’s new PSA, in support of the Gay, Lesbian & Straight Education Network, which is trying to urge students to stop the bullying, harassment and...