Today's Evil Beet Gossip


Tres Chic?

Here’s Evan Rachel Wood on the cover of h magazine. Normally I hate everything this girl does, just on principle, but I have to admit this is a pretty hot cover. It would be hotter...

Angie Everhart Scores Herself a DUI

The former (current?) model was arrested early Thursday morning and held on $15,000 bail. She was released later in the day. Angie is 38 years old! TOO OLD to be pulling this kind of shit...


Okay, so I finally got my Facebook page updated and set up for visitors. Web 2.0, here I come! :) And, I joined the I ::heart:: Evil Beet group! You should, too! If you haven’t yet...

We Know It’s You, Lindsay

Lindsay Lohan plays coy as she leaves Koi in Vegas with Samantha Ronson. Get it? Coy? And Koi? Goddamn, they don’t pay me enough around here. I’m so witty. Lindsay, the...

John McCain’s Secret Weapon

If you can’t think of a single good reason to vote Republican this election season, here’s one: John McCain’s hottie 23-year-old daughter, Meghan McCain, pictured here at...

Dayum, Halle!

I think I’ve figured out why everyone in Hollywood is popping out babies these days. For the tits! No plastic surgeon can make ’em look this natural! Here’s Halle Berry...

Your Daily Paris

Here’s Paris at an after-party at Coachella, wearing what appears to be a glorified nightie. No, it wasn’t a pajama party. She’s just dressed this way. After the jump...

The Rules Are Changing

Here’s 15-year-old Miley Cyrus, tempting all pedophiles from the upcoming cover of Vanity Fair. Not to mention the necrophiliacs! I can go either way on this one. A part of me is...