Today's Evil Beet Gossip


A Smile Out of an Olsen!

Damn! Ashley Olsen actually gives us a wide grin at the Everywhere At Once screening in NYC. I don’t think I’ve seen her smile that big since she was playing Michelle. She...

Amy Smart’s Breasts (Kind Of)

So someone decided to take photos of Amy Smart on the set of Crank 2: High Voltage (There was a Crank 1? Never heard of it. Probably because they neglected to leak photos of Amy...

A French Delivery!

Team Brangelina has moved to France, where Angelina plans to deliver biobaby #2. Angie, Brad and all four kids are holed up at Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen’s estate on the French...

It’s Cold, Yo!

Here’s Guy Ritchie, being a good step-daddy by taking Lourdes and Rocco to the Speed Racer premiere in London in the pouring rain. Yeah, Rocco looks freezing and miserable in every...

Coming to America

Guess who finally got her U.S. citizenship? Former Canadian Pamela Anderson! “Being a citizen excites me not just because I can vote, but because I can crack the whip on Capitol Hill...

Look Who’s Helping!

Paris and her wonky eye are modeling the “We ::heart:: to Erase MS” t-shirt, supporting the Nancy Davis Foundation’s 15th Annual Race to Erase MS. I don’t understand...

That’s So Original, Samantha

Samantha Ronson gives the paps a piece of her mind as she and Lindsay get pedicures in Los Angeles. It’s weird to me that Samantha Ronson gets pedicures. Like, she otherwise seems to...