Today's Evil Beet Gossip


The Battle of the Legs

Gwyneth Paltrow’s been showing off her hot legs at the Iron Man premieres, and Cameron Diaz is not going to be outdone. Here’s Cameron — long famous for her killer stems...

It’s Moving Day!

That’s right, bitches! Today is the day that me and Leo are finally free of Chez Eggplant, and get to move into our own apartment, which we will get to decorate in colors and patterns...

Drunk Mama!

Christina Aguilera requires a little, um, support from her husband, Jordan Bratman, as she leaves the launch party of the Crown Bar in Hollywood. I’m sure she was just really, really...

Mariah Already Married?

Latina magazine is reporting that Mariah Carey and Nick Cannon tied the knot in an impulsive, private ceremony on some island somewhere yesterday. If it’s true, congrats, you crazy...

Why So Sad, Jenna?

Jenna Jameson was all smiles on her way into a London nightclub, but left sobbing and was comforted in a car by her friend as photogs snapped pics. Aw, poor Jenna. Cheer up, doll!

Beyonce Pregnant?

The girls over at Hollyscoop are claiming they have it on good authority that Beyonce Knowles is “100% pregnant, which is why the couple rushed their wedding.” Man, I love it...

Making Fun of Miley

This is a BRILLIANT take on the photo shoot Miley Cyrus did for Vanity Fair. To see the video it’s mocking, click here.

Off the Market!

American Pie‘s Jason Biggs tied the knot last week, getting hitched to Jenny Mollen, his girlfriend of nine months, in a private ceremony at City Hall in LA. There were no friends and...

Reichen Lehmkuhl May Be Single!!!

Okay, look, I’m typically the last person to think she can turn a gay man straight, but, in the case of Reichen Lehmkuhl, I just can’t give up hope. He’s so ridiculously...