I found it! She refused to show off her new engagement ring to most of the photo agencies, but it looks like Splash News got a pic of it. How much you wanna bet some money exchanged hands...
Scarlett Johansson was supposed to be showing off her new engagement ring at the Met’s costume ball tonight, but she totally fucked it all up! She’s got her arm behind Stefano... OMG this is like my favorite event of the YEAR!!!
I would have written this post earlier, except the cable man came today to install cable and my new DVR, and it was like a precious angel... What’s the verdict?
Is there genuine chemistry here? Remember the old days when Mariah was getting a little on the chunky side?
Not anymore!
Mariah rocks her hot bod for the new issue of Vibe magazine, and she looks amazing!
You know one... It’s official!
Scarlett’s rep has confirmed the engagement, saying that “they’re both thrilled.”
Scarlett’s expected to debut her ring tonight, at the... Which newly minted TV star is a pushover who already looks ready for rehab? At an L.A. party, the actor was mocked into doing a bunch of shots, despite protesting numerous times that he had... We’re starting to hear rumors that Brad and Angelina will get married on Paul Allen’s yacht in France, sometime very soon.
But, ya know, we always hear these kinds of... Here’s Brad with little Pax Thien — whose hair is getting rather long — playing on the beach in France.
Damn, Brad, if you have to be all the way in France, the least you... “You don’t know how many people came up to me when I was making the movie and said, ‘So is somebody going to die?’ Yup. Happy summer. Thanks for your $10. Enjoy... OMG.
So much to talk about in this photo.
First, the basics: Bai Ling totally wiped out in the ocean after kayaking at Pink’s house.
Mystery #1: What was Bai Ling doing at... Abercrombie & Fitch shorts? Walmart bag? Yup, someone’s been in Louisiana.
Here’s Britney boarding a private plane in Mississippi, heading back to LA after spending the...Disappointments!
Mariah Carey (with Nick Cannon): “Bye Bye”...
Not Fat Anymore!
Ryan Reynolds and Scarlett Johansson Engaged!
Blind Item!
Rumors, Rumors …
Papa Pitt!!
Are These Bai Ling’s Pubes?
She’s Coming Home!