Today's Evil Beet Gossip


Everyone Gets Their Porn for Free Now

Playboy Enterprises posted a quarterly loss on Tuesday, because of weaker publishing and domestic television revenue and forecast more trouble during the year, pushing its shares down 8...

More Kiddo Time for Britney!

While Kevin Federline will retain primary custody of Jayden and Sean, Britney Spears has received more visitation time with the kiddos, although the exact amount of time has not been...


Britney was spotted crying outside the courtroom during a break in the hearings today! About an hour into the hearing, [Judge] Gordon took a quick recess, during which Spears was seen...

There Can Be Only One

In the Battle of Sibling Hotness, it looks like the Ashleys are coming out on top. I’ve been talking constantly about how amazing Ashley Olsen looks lately, while Mary-Kate still...

John Mayer: Cheating on Jen Already?

Ever since John and Jennifer Aniston hooked up two weekends ago, rumors have been swirling that she’s smitten as hell, texting and emailing John to beg him to come back to Miami and...

Dina Lohan Named “Top Mom”

This is such a dumb publicity stunt. On Tuesday night, Dina Lohan will be honored by a Long Island-based “charity,” the Mingling Moms Organization, as a “Top Mom.”...

The Bravest Prince!

On Monday, Prince Harry received a medal for his efforts in Afghanistan. Later, with girlfriend Chelsy Davy at his side, he attended a service of remembrance and thanksgiving at the Holy...

Britney’s Big Day!!!!

HAPPY TUESDAY!!!! BRITNEY SPEARS IS GOING TO COURT TODAY!!! All signs point to Britney actually showing up to her child custody hearing in LA today. OMG I am so, so excited. Now that I...